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© HDR en River Tinto


Camara:Nikon D-3 Objetivo:Sigma: 15-30 mm.. Tripode, Velocidad 1/30 Seg. 1/15 Segs, 1/8 + filtro KR3 Diafragma : f/22


© HDR en River Tinto

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Pues no entiendo cómo se me ha escapado a mi esta toma, la de la casita, que por otra parte ya conocía. O al menos una muy similar. Ya sabes lo que opino de ella. Lo malo es que la he perdido ya en anon y no tengo seven.
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Julio, felicidades por tan excelente trabajo.

Me maravillan los colores de esta composicion.


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I would have taken this image without HDR. The reason being that the automated exposure effects have destroyed on the water. It looks way off to my eye. The color shifts, muted contrasts and overall flatness of it just don't look right to my eye, or at least not close to natural. You'd be better off taking one exposure for the land and one for the sky and manually blending. Either that or using a 2-3 stop grad filter.


My other question regarding the land areas is the strong, saturated golds and yellows visible in the rocks around the falls. I've never seen anything like this. Either it's some unusual mineral deposits or something weird happened with the saturation/color balance here. It does not look natural, but I wasn't there to see it either.


The sky looks pretty good. Wonderfully dramatic and colorful, and even if I do detect come unusual color shifts in spots it's pretty minimal. The presence of neutral greys adds to the natural feel.

The composition is outstanding, but again, I feel this was just wasted on HDR. It just didn't work at all IMO.

At least you have the files to work with now, and you could easily go back and do this justice.


I appologize for my lack of spanish language here. Perhaps someone else can interpret my remarks. I wish you the best and am trying to offer an honest critique.

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