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Armed madhouse.Best viewed large.If you want to see how mad it really is check out this. www.911missinglinks.com



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Interesting image and reaction to it, particularly Jeferey Lee's nonesense about how much good the US has done in the world and how much more exalted its ideals are in comparison to the rest of the world. This may well be true as to individual Americans who I consider some of the most caring people I have met.


However, any attempt to extend that spirit to the veritable gang of psychpaths that run this bannana republic called America is laughable to the extreme. All one has to do is look at American society today. It is odd to the nth degree that a country that values "freedom" should have BY FAR the largest percentage of citizens imprisoned than anywhere else on earth.


It is odd that a country that values "democracy" should have its troops stationed in more countries than the rest of humanity combined, and it is funny that a country that values "peace" should outspend the rest of the world COMBINED in weapons whose SOLE use is the killing of fellow human beings. It doesn't matter which puppet is in the White House, democrat or republican, it's all the same policies.


That Lee SUGGESTS that it is because of the US that Iraqi and Afghan girls go to school is to display stunning ignorance, because while it is true that Afghanistan under the Taliban was a Sharia law society that believed in roles for women not on par with many Western societies, Iraq under Saddam Hussein was a full fledged secular Western society, with women fully college educated and occuppying positions high in the political and social structures.


Whatever the merits and demerits of either system--and, having lived in Nigeria that had equal parts Sharia (North) and secular (South), I have observed both--I think these are complex issues. To suggest that forcing one group at the point of a gun to accept one or the other is an unalloyed good is to display the kind of grand hubris that is only possible when you believe might makes right.

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Honestly... I find this image to be poor quality even as a composite goes. The images put together don't make sense. You could have put North Korean soldiers in front of this aircraft and it would make as much sense. None of the components fit. First of all you have the apocalypse in the background, but brought on by what? The modern CARGO (not bomber) aircraft, or the soldiers who's uniforms are out of era (I'm guessing 70's). The cut-and-paste work around, most noticebly, the engines lacks any level of true workmanship. Poorly thought out, poorly executed, and without the image title... meaningless. Just my opinion though. My four-year old just indicated to me that he liked the image. Go figure.


Also, keep in mind, the Armed "Madhouse" exists not within our courageous defenders, but with the clowns in Washington. I'm extremely proud of our military, I wish you were too.

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Oddly enough, I catch myself agreeing with most what you said about both the image and the US soldier, though not the vehemence of your attack on the artist, whose point of view you are at liberty to refuse to share. I agree with you that it is the clowns in Washington that send the soldiers on these poorly thought out missions, and agree these problems did not begin with the Bushes 1 and 2. In fact, one of my favorite military books is James Jones' WWII, which saw the war from the soldier's perspective. Jones correctly pointed out that with the massive modernization of militaries, the soldier was just as expendable as the gun he is carrying.


While I share the public disgust at things like Abu Gharib or My Lai on an elementary level, I totally understand that war creates things like that because the soldiers are under unbelievable strain, and war dehumanizes everyone it touches. This is the most abhorrent thing about war, a fact our US media, the biggest cheerleaders for war since 1930s Germany, refuse to acknowledge.


The real criminals, then, are the ones who send them away from their families for months among an angry populace that simply hates their guts and scheme everyday to kill all of them.


Now, as far as your technical critiques, I actually find them valid, in that the amargeddon going on in the background appears unconnected to the rather calm looking old foggies in the foreground, but I think that is looking at the image too literally. It is a metaphor of war, of madness of people who believe in their own good intentions, even while burning and killing everything around them.

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I am just curious what are these courageous defenders defending you from??.Okay you hate this montage but if you are going to have a discussion about politics,lousy politicians courageous military I suggest you both talk via email...I still hold the view that the USA is an armed madhouse and bully.Read your history going way back to the early 1800,s you may get a surprise!
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