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Mass Ascention - Rocky Mountain Balloon Festival


Border added and sharpened in PS to preserve detail (in the baskets especially). Composite image.

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This was taken at this year's Rocky Mountain Hot Air Balloon Festival

at Chatfield State Resevoir. Please comment and rate this image and

the others in this folder. Thanks.

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This one is intresting and boring in one.


It's intresting because it looks so unreal. I mean, have you ever seen such so many bright coloured balloons in front of a blue sky? I haven't. This makes the picture very intresting to be. But, well it looks so unreal. I can hardly belife in what I see.


Beside this it's - sorry - almost boring. There's simply composition in it: assorted colored spots on a blue ground. There's no tension in between the major players of the pictures, the balloon taking off.


Nevertheless, I'd myself put the picture in a frame and place it somewhere on the floor to remember the day I saw that many ballons.


Keep on making pictures.

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Unreal - this almost looks like a photoshop job but I'll take you word for it that it isn't. It has a Sgt Pepper/on drugs feel to it (or am I just showing my miss-spent youth :-)
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I don't find this unbelievable nor boring. But it's true a frame would do a lot to the image. Here it is with a black frame that usually accentuate saturated colors like here. Also augmented contrast a tad, and decreased brightness.


Maybe in a bigger size the blurred (out of focus or just a compression problem?) baskets could be detracting.

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Néstor, thanks for the comment. I've uploaded a new version with a frame and a higher quality jpeg. There actually is quite a lot of detail, even in the baskets. Here is a detail of the basket from the central black balloon.

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The strength of this image is also it's problem . . . it's too clean. No overlaps at all seems impossible given how many there are. Forgive my being so direct, but are you saying that the placement of all these ballons in this picture space is exactly as you saw it in the viewfinder?
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My comment on this shot is that the spacing between the balloons is a little too perfect.


Nice effort on an easy well tried concept.



Mike Sea

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I'm curious to know if you intended this to be a fantasy image or if you wanted us to think it was a record shot.
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I appreciate the positive and constructive comments. I'd like to point out that this is a composite image--as can be seen clearly in the technical details field--as it appears some of you neglected to notice that. The real question is, which balloons are original and which are added?
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Ahhh, if people would think and read before they opened their mouths. I like this image. It is pretty much perfect which shows the work put into it. I say pretty much because I think you need one more balloon in the lower almost right corner. Get back to work. I am going to give a 7/7 anyway --- it`s still excellent. Sharp, great color and none of the usual waviness around the images that are added in a bad photoshop job. Good work.
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