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N. side aisle, St. Maria Himmelfahrt Church.


24mm; 1 s/ f/5.6 ISO 2oo; IS ; RAW conversion in CS3

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...I was in two minds about posting this, thinking the natural lighting actually looked like a bad flash picture - but the arches illuminated by the sunlight reflected off the tiled floor and the spotlighted altar and crucifix really made the shot. I was wondering if I should have cropped out some of the foreground, say to just below the line of chairs?...Cheers! RickDB
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Hi Rick.


I think cropping is fine. Admiring this image I wonder if it is a one shot or an assembly of the few?


Exelent work.

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Thanks for looking in on this shot. It was actually just a single exposure - I did bracket the shot, but the dynamic range was OK. There was a little clipping of the highlights on the white tiles in the foreground, but that was easily handled by small adjustments to the Recover function in CS RAW converter. Cheers! RickDB
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... and a wonderful small church as well. There is that slight vertical shift in different places because of the off-center placement of the ts lens, which is something that annoys me in my shooting. The chairs are an unfortunate choice, but that has nothing to do with your shot. Great to see this work.
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...the colors are quite unusual. At the back of the church were some pictures taken in 1945 - it was just a roofless shell, the nave heaped with rubble. The replacement windows were plain, whereas in the Cathedral many of the windows appeared to be original, which means they must have removed them in anticipation of damage during the WW2


I'm not sure what you mean by vertical shift - it sounds like it is something specific to the TS lens, but I have not noticed it (probably because I was not looking for it!). This shot was actually taken with the 24-105L zoom (which is a great walk about lens). Cheers, RickDB

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Rick, to my eye, it looks a perfect exposure, interesting angle, wonderful light and a beautiful church. , it is very well done , really enjoyed observing the richness.
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I'm a bit torn on this one. I like the quality of light coming in through the window on the left and its effect on the floor. I'm guessing, though, your inclination to crop off the bottom might be because the bright floor pulls the eye away the focal point of the space - the crucifix at the end the room.
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Bob, you are right about the foreground highlight being a distraction, I think that cropping just below the botton the seatbacks, making the picture almost square, works better. Thanks for commenting, Cheers! RickDB
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...a little gem in the shadow of Koln Cathedral - easily overlooked!.  Cheers, RickDB

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