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Escalante/Lake Powell - Sandstone (B&W)


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.......another picture taken at Escalante's Staircase National Park. All your comments

are really appreciated.

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Nice facture, constrast and tonal range. I like this image. The only distraction is the right-hand-side with tilted horizon and unballanced composition. Anyway good work.
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Macieck, thank you very much for your visit, and honest comment. I knew the tilted horizon could be a little controversial, but I wanted to make every element point towards the same point in the bottom center of the frame, it took me a while to get the flare to point in the same direction as the horizon and the lines on the stone. Cheers!


Tolo, simplemente agradecer de nuevo tus atenciones y comentarios, es un gusto contar con tus visitas. Saludos,


Ioannis; I'm really glad that you took the time to see and comment this image, it makes me happy that you like it. Cheers!


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Nobody shoots INTO the sun . . . and leaves solar flares in!


Very dramatic point of view. I love the detail in the rock face on the left.


A+ for risk taking my friend.

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Thank you Drew, I'm honored by your comment.....you make it sound much more daring than what it actually was; the thing is that I really wanted to shoot this, and had the sun in front of me, so either I incorporated the flare in the composition, or went away with out taking the picture at all........luckily, it worked out. Cheers!
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Not only the rock texture gives drama but the created lines and the sunrays pointing to where you wanted the focal point to be. Great composition. Congratulations!
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Pep, muchas gracias por tu visita y comentario; viniendo de alguien a quien admiro, especialmente por su trabajo en ByN, realmente es gratificante.


Lester, I'm really glad that you like this, specially your mention about the composition, for that was something that in my mind could make or break this image. Cheers!




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A penetrating, expansive and beautiful work. The tones are gorgeous, as are the sandstone formations on the left. A real gem to behold!!! Congrats.
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Great one again, Juan Carlos, that to me works as well as your color pics in the series. The conversion is excellent and I like the delicate transitions in tones on the rock in the upper left-hand corner, as well as that sparkling light in the sky.
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La foto me ha impresionado, por su contraste, sus texturas, y la tecnica para obtenerla con la posicion del sol.


Un unico cometario seria recortar un poco la derecha del foto hace que la roca de la izquierda; que llama la atencion se diluya ...

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i am glad you resisted the impulse to straightent he horizon. i like the earthquake feeling to this panorama and the texture looks really good too. may be a little more on the right and a little less on the left, if it was in the uncropped frame?
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Laurent, as someone that constantly comments on my color pictures, I'm really glad that you found your way around commenting on this one, and more so that you like it as much as their color cousins. Merci beaucoup!


Miguel, muchas gracias por tus comentarios, me entusiasma saber que la foto gusta; y otro agradecimiento por tu comentario sobre el recorte, es justo del tipo que hacen que el trabajo de uno vaya mejorando con el tiempo. Saludos,


Naftali, even though a straight horizon did make more sense, I've got an issue with it, as more and more I tend to favor compositions that have a "twisted" sense of horizontality......as this is just another visual tool. It’s like finding a new color, and using it more and more over time. Thank you for noticing it as a major force in this compo.


Raquel, gracias por tu visita y comentarios, significan mucho. Saludos




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This is awesome, my friend! One of your best black and white conversions to date. You're absolutely right about the composition; it just naturally funnels the eye right into the center and off to the horizon. Excellent contrasts and tones as well. Keep pushing the envelope, Amigo; this is very good stuff you're doing here! Cheers! Chris
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Thank you very much Chris, that's one of the best compliments I can get, specially coming form such a gifted photographer as you are; it really fills me with the urge to keep on shooting and experimenting more and more, always trying to learn more things and becoming better at this great art of photography. Cheers!
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Beautiful b& w translation of this image. Good tonal qualities and texture. What really makes it for me is the subtle touch of suns rays coming down from the upper left segment and washing over the image. Good take, regards rek.
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Thank you Richard, I'm glad you noticed it, as that was precisely the idea behind taking the shot the way I did. cheers
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