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Lake Geneva, Vevey, Switzerland


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I hope someone will take the time to comment on this photo:

specifically regarding the exposure of the mountains and the clouds,

and also whether or not the boat is an interesting compositional element

or if it's too small to be of interest. I really appreciate anyone taking the

time to comment. Thanks.

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I think the exposure is spot-on, especially in the clouds. As for the sailboat, it isn't too small for effective balancing, but I wish it were placed elsewhere: perhaps about 1/3 of the frame from the right-hand side, so that a line going from the bottom of foreground rocks to the boat would be roughly perpendicular to the foreground shoreline.
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Like John, I agree that your exposure looks to be dead on. I think your black and white conversion came out very nicely too. I think my main nit is the heavy weight of the dark rip-rap bank filling the LL corner. Probably not much you could have done about it...What about getting right down next to the water's edge and taking most of the bank out; might have given some different reflections off the water surface too. All in all, Edmond, nicely seen and captured. Cheers! Chris
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Great exposure. The B&W is masterfully done. I would also be interested to know what post process you used. The different layes of clouds worked out very well for this image. Very nice!
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Douglas, I used Silver Effex Pro from Nik to do this conversion. I especially like the way the clouds remained dramatic without looking overprocessed. If you do a lot of B&W, I think you should give Silver Effex a try.


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