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© Gary Ell © 2002

Aqueduct on Delaware-Raritan Canal in Kingston, outskirts of Princeton New Jersey.

gary ell

Please contact Gary Ell to use this or any image contained here-in. All images © 2002, or otherwise marked. Visit www.garyell.com


© Gary Ell © 2002

From the category:

Fine Art

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You've really transformed the subject, almost becoming something it isn't. Infrared really lends itself well to the subject matter. And I agree with the previous comment that it has become very painterly. Like it a lot.
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This is Infrared film folks, not Photoshop !


The negative was drum-scanned as an RGB file. The sepia effect came natural to the scan. There is no manipulation.

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Found this surreal ancient aqueduct on the Delaware/Raritan canal

near Princeton.

For the novice, this is not Photoshop. It is Infrared film, drum-

scanned as an RGB Positive. The sepia effect came natural. There is

absolutely no Photoshop manipulation here folks.

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I am used to infrared shots with high contrast -- tones are very quiet here (sort of the problem I had with the former POW in "One 2am too many"). I like the mood but can't get over the impression that something went wrong in the process. Still, it's a great composition and its mood speaks louder than the low contrast should allow. So I guess, it works!
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I REALLY like the composition. I only wish that you had some zone 9 or 10 and even some darker black in the final image. I prefer a little more contrast, and everything is very muted. It's a really incredible shot though. I like the way the IR film renderred the leaves as though you were using a green filter.
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Nice find. The only time I walked along that canal I didn't find much. Nice compositiona and good use for IR but I think I'd burn in the foreground and maybe the trees using a higher contrast.
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Thanks everyone for the excellent feedback. I scanned the negative on the Imacon Flextight Precision 2. The low-contrast profile matches my output device. It actually looks decent on the G-4 monitor, much flatter on the PC though. Here's a tweeked version without having to re-scan on this monster-of-a-scanner:

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Absolutely one of the best photos I've ever seen! Thanks for sharing. Not to be critical at all, I think the frame could be better, maybe. Still Love it!
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The tweaked version is much better, The white's standout more and make a higher contrast image. I also like the sharper less grainy look this image has compared to the other one I commented on.
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