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© Copyright 2008 Dennis Aubrey. All rights reserved

Chapoquoit evening July 18


2 shot panorama with tilt-shift lens


© Copyright 2008 Dennis Aubrey. All rights reserved

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For Pascal and Holly, remembering their last visit. Beautiful Friday evening, the view

from our balcony with Buzzards' Bay in the distance.

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This is very nice Dennis. Holly says that you are so sentimental. It's meant as a compliment and I could not agree more with her. It's a really nice picture too. Don't forget to go visit my brother when you are in France.( I'll give you his exact address if you need it)
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Serene. I can imagine sitting out here engaging in sleepy conversation. Cape Cod is wonderful when night begins to fall (except for the mosquitoes).
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I think you have already had a taste of "heaven" down on Earth. With a view like this, I will be tempted to stay at home more often. The sense of serenity of this scene is strong and palpable. Thanks for sharing this part of you.
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... I've been away for a couple of months (busy, actually, with work and planning the new trip to France and Spain for next month). It is good to be back and great to see people's work again. This was just a test using the 5D with my new tilt-shift. Had a disaster, dropped my original TS into Chatham harbor. AAaaggh. Fortunately, a great insurance company and a quick order to Adorama, and I'm back in business. This was evening at home. PJ has the porch looking like a jungle, full of plants and flowers. The bird feeder is one of the two we have and we have regular visitors of all types. A small chipmunk named Hoover comes in the house to feed out of PJ's hands. Hoover, of course, because he's like a vacuum cleaner, sucking up seeds until his cheeks are ready to burst, and then gone! Not to worry, he's good for three feedings at a time. But we have an osprey family here (this year's brood is two chicks). Watched the whole family out practicing fishing on Sunday morning at 6am, including a spectacularly clumsy strike by one of the babies into the shallows of the harbor. He emerged wet, mussed, and abashed.


It is a bit of paradise here, and I posted this picture for Pascal and Holly as a reminder of their second visit here. It was great to have them here. For all of you who know Pascal only from his writings, he is exactly the same in real life. He is intelligent, mercurial, sensitive, and deeply caring. He is a good friend and I am proud to call him such. We had a great visit with Jeff Long and his family (you can see the pictures in their own folder). Jeff, too, is everything you would expect from the way he shoots and writes.


Soon, it looks like Pnina will visit. I love PN and the community that we've found here. I know that some day I will meet Chris H, PhosSant, Adan Wong, and many others. I'm looking forward to it.

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Dennis, glad to see you back, I hope you have overcome the disaster...and continue to photo and upload your gems!
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Sorry to hear (read) about your camera. Thankfully it is just a camera and now that you have a new one we will be rewarded with more proofs of your prolific talent.
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... last evening PJ and I went out for the best evening of fishing ever, absolutely perfect, fish working everywhere. We came home the 8 miles from our fishing area, I let PJ off at the dock and I put the boat on its mooring. Stepping in the dinghy, I capsized it, and into the drink I went, just like my poor TS lens! I had just enough time to get my cell phone from my pocket and toss it into the boat before I went under. What a mess :)
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I almost do NOT want to hear your story for fear it will soon happen to me. I had a close encounter while riding a bamboo raft in Thailand. That was enough to give me a scare.


I would like to spend some time on this porch. Nice capture.

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... that helpless feeling as it went over the edge. Ah, well, c'est la vie. As to the view, Drew, if you are in the area of Cape Cod or Boston, give me a call, and we'll set you up on the deck with a glass of wine or an armagnac, and settle down for some good old fashioned chitchat. That would be fun!
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What a wonderful summer diary this has been to read! You have made my day! I, too, know that we will soon have the opportunity to get together and sit on the deck and watch the end of the day, or the start of the new one. I cannot tell you how many times I have drowned important pieces of gear in my life; fortunately it has never been me. Stuff is always replaceable. Take care of yourself and PJ; you guys have a great trip upcoming (I'm insanely jealous!). Meanwhile, here I sit in smoky and shaking California ;>) Cheers, and Have A Great Weekend! Chris
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Beautiful summer's eve. Very calm and tranquil, this place. know how you feel about losing your equiptment in the drink. Busted my 14-45mm up in Yosemite last month. I think we've all done it at least once. Hope you had a great time in France and can't wait to see your new postings...RAY
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... know we've all done it, but it still is an amazing futile feeling. Getting ready to go to France in about three and a half weeks, can't wait. Can't wait to shoot, to post, to see these Pyrenees churches! thanks for the comment, talk to you soon. How's the shooting in the west, these days? You should be coming up on some spectacular stuff soon, right?
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