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Pure of Heart

v. bice

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Beautiful picture and super background color. The light in the eyes and the ribbon give an angelic look and hi-lights the innocent tone. Any filter ?
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it's very very nice, but while you had this lovely girl in yr studio did you take any w/ her whole hat and w/ her looking at you......what was her dress like. she seems like a great little subject so i hope you took a lot of shots and can share them. whose idea was it for her to look like she is listening to angels?????? I cd actually live w/o that look. it's too gooey for me. show us what else you did w/ her. And get her mom to bring her back.......e.
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page 30 "The Art of Photography" by Bruce Barnbaum:


> "Look for such distractions as much as you look for the good

> compositional interactions bceause they represent weaknesses in your

> image. Every good photograph reduces the weakness while accentuating

> the strengths; the finest photographs eliminate the weaknesses

> entirely. Sometimes a simple cropping of the final image is all that is

> needed. Photographers who work in the darkroom crop their images

> regularly, but most 35mm slide shooters seem to abhor that concept with

> a passion. To them there is a pervasive feeling that God created the

> world in 35mm format and nothing should be allowed to violate that

> sacrosanct shape. Nonsense! Think of Edward Weston's words,

> "Composition is the strongest way of seeing". If cropping strengthens

> the image, crop it!"



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You captured a sweet and pure expression, well cropped to encapsulate its essence. Anyone knows it is not easy to get children to have such pure expressions under pressure. My only criticism is the obviously square softbox image in her eyeballs.


Nice job, Verna.

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... looks like it anyway. The composition is quite nice. Brings you back to the face, but leads you out as well... this pose shows off her nice feature set... doesn't look like you're "hiding" flaws (maybe too young to have any???)


anyway... nice work

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actually... that's an interesting point... remembering the eyes... the light on the skin looks good, and I personally don't mind the darker side... but missing out on the iris, and the pupil... Also her eyes aren't very dialated... (maybe you should try those strobes again ;)... nits of course
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Excellent, simply excellent. No changes. No more, no less. It's good. If Wendy Woods hadn't noted about the square softbox reflections on the pupils, I'd have been a while longer before considering the problem. Other than photo editing software, I don't know how else you could have dealt with it. Wonderful portrait.
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This is very nice Verna. I like the tight crop on her face. I don't think I have anything else to offer that hasn't already been said. Thats the curse of being late to look at something.
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I KNEW (!) this was yours when I saw it on the front page. Your style is distinct and all your own. I don't possess enough technical knowledge to be distracted by the catch...Whatever! I just know that if this were MY little daughter,you'd be doing a landslide business with the reprints. I'd be handing them out downtown...to strangers!! (I already rated this...shoot!)
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