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Shadows and Demons


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To say it in brief, human life are composed of so many differences and variations, parades of joy, lights and colors,on one hand, shadows and demons on the other. Different scenes, different moods, different feelings.



Thanks for your thoughts.

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Thanks all of you!


Karl, what does it means " Monch" is it a typo or a word that I'm not familiar with? ;-))

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I like the soft light and the somber tones of this one, the shadow, man and objects on the floor create a nice circular composition, I think a square frame might make it feel a little better.....

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Certainly an excellent bit of seeing, and a powerful image results because the light is just right, and the precise moment and angle were chosen with great skill. I must say, I don't see a demon on the Monk's back, unless a cross bow is considered a demon. One interpretation that seems to fit this image is that the Monk's work is done, he's slain the demons, and stops to contemplate before moving toward the light. Just what came to mind...
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Pnina, I like the way the highlight on his head lends separation from the black background. Since he is facing out of the frame on the right it could be argued(respectfully) that Tim's crop is on the wrong side. It could also be argued (again, respectfully) that Tim's crop diminishes the subject's sense of isolation that your full frame suggests. This time I'm for leaving things as they are. The theater series is nice work but you will be losing your tan if you don't get outside again with your camera. :-) Best, LM.
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Very good composition,light,& exposure,Pnina. The shadows do make ominous symbols. You have shown us comedy in the earlier image. Here you show tragedy.I like your prologue.
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all of you for the interesting and different interpretation. I think , and I have said it before ,each photo after uploading will have its own life, and will be interpreted according to personal and cultural inner world of the viewer. For me the metaphorically bizarre " arced arrow" coming out from his shadow( back really), and the bizarre ellements scuttered around him,and the mood created, were the counterpoint to the previous "life parade" ,and I felt the mystery of inner shadows and demons, as the different part of human life.The nice result is, to read the viewer interpretation. When there is a flower or another obvious ellement the interpretation is many times more or less similar, in this kind of photo,interpretation will many times differ in its interpretation..

Linh, thanks for your comment.

Tim, thanks for taking the time and your offer, for me the space on the R is better ballancing the composition, So I agree with Len here...;-))

David, Thanks for your extended interpretation, as I explained in the begining, I appreciate your point of view, and it really interests me to know what the viewer think and offer in his enterpretation, so we can differe and it is fine with me. I don't want to LEAD the viewer, I want to have his personal impression.

Len, I'm escaping the suntun..... too hot, so the theatre is a good place to hide and cool and enjoy ....;-)) Thanks for your point of view, always welcome! and I think as well that you are in my lengthwave about the crop. you have missed two photos I have uploaded some short time ago that were taken at day time....;-)) Portraits file... http://photo.net/photodb/folder?folder_id=546711 Look at the first upper two in the file if you like. ;-))Amal, we wrote simultaneously. thanks for your comment also about the prologue. ! for me it is two sides of the human coin....

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Just showing his back with the low light & surrounding darkness & shadows does emit the feel of lonliness, a sense of loss & helplessness.
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Pnina, these images are all the same genre and I like their mystery and somewhat foreboding atmosphere combined with playfulness and all helped by the excellent light. I'm finding that reading the comments reduces my enjoyment of them, as I can almost forget that they are staged and let my imagination run away. In this one, for instance, I can almost feel a "Waiting for Godot" type of atmosphere with the subject being expectant but seeming futile to us. The dark objects on the stage seem like banana skins which he has been eating during his long wait, and tha light and shadows feel like the sun which is setting on him.
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Wonderful somber interpretation that makes quite a contrast against the previous one with the parading actors. This one feels isolated and reflective, with the person's inner thoughts as companions. I find the "debris" on the floor really intriguing. I look at them and some resemble animals reminding me of those pesky little demons that are so prevalent in Bosch paintings. I also wonder about the shadow created by the "sticking hood", is that some kind of mask that flips over his face?
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