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Mercado Hidalgo


Chemically manipulated film.

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Chemically manipulated film; the result hasn't been manipulated any further. I really appreciate any comment, I'm very interested in knowing what you think of this type of


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The altered color is an interesting choice. I'm curious about the details...time of day and so forth.
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Interesting composition and beautiful colors. By checking your portfolio I realised that you like to experiment new perspectives of presenting ordinary things in a very original way. Thank you for your kind comment about my work. Wishing you all the best and may the light be with you, Ludvik.
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Jeff, thank you stopping by and comment. It was taken about 10 years ago, late afternoon so the sun was almost perpendicular to the building, using ISO 400 film, one step overexposed and developed as a positive...after that just some slight color management of the scan.


Nezif, thank you, I'm glad that you liked it, specially the colors, since that was what it was all about.


Ludvik, may the light be with you too! You're right on the money, for me this is a place of experimentation, where you can see and get feedback on new things; it doesn't mater if they're good or bad, as long as you take something with you, and give something back......you�ll see, this place is great site for learning and experimentation. Cheers!


Richard, thank you for that, I really appreciate it.

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..."the truthfulness of colors" -- photographic dye clouds we perceive to be colors we understand based on our relative color blindness ;~)

What a fun concept to play with and I'm really enjoying the tongue-in-cheek metaphor in this image -- gold set against a "Royal" sky.

Reading over the comments, I'm surprised to find the idea of "pushing" color film. Typically, it washes out under and over. How are you "pushing" color a stop over?



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Guest Guest


I like the way you have played with the colour.


It could be helped even more by running a noise filter as my example will show.




ps I know scanning sometimes gives this very high noise.

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John, reading your comments, is always a pleasure. The trick was to play a little with the temperature and time on the developer; the counterpoint though was the extreme graininess......and yes, a little color management, on the scan file.


Peter, thank you for your comment, I'm glad that you liked the color play, it was the main objective.......Indeed scan images, tend to have a lot of noise, in this case, the film itself didn't help much either; so I chose to run a very slight noise reduction filter, trying to have the lesser effect on some of the details. Cheers!




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Thank you Adan, this was all about appealing to the eye, explosive and rare colors where my main concern here. I'm glad you liked it. Cheers!
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very appealing and strong colors. sometimes we just can't have both on the 'noise reduction' and 'sharpness'. i'm glad you enjoy in this experiment, and share the results with us. have fun and cheers.
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Thank you Fly, I did had a lot of fun taking this one........so much that while performing the scan, I felt the urge to take out my film camera again, and do some more of this weird experiments; hopefully I'll be able to this weekend. :o
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I love how you have the courage to experiment with your imaging Carlos. The old film grain is so much more appealing to my eye that what we get with digital. This image makes me nostalgic.


Continue to be bold . . . and original with what you do. It makes your work interesting and worthy of note.

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