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1/320, f5.6, iso 100, 35mm

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GJ, I looked at your more recent photos - many really good ones. I think you have stepped up a level. I am impressed! B ;)
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The Back Story

This is an overlook on Mt. Nebo, Jordan where, according to tradition, Moses had his first view of the Promised Land. Two minutes before taking this photo, I was standing where these girls are, looking down at the parched landscape with patches of scrub vegetation. My reaction was, "Moses, you sure got the short end of the stick on this deal." I took one shot of the featureless landscape below. I stepped down and headed back to the bus. For whatever reason, I turned around for a final look. These nine young Muslim ladies were now where I stood and offered a fresh take on the Promised Land - one of those few places that Muslims, Jews and Christians jointly respect. Maybe the Promised Land has nothing to do with material fruits but, rather, the acceptance of different spiritual traditions among the brotherhood of man. 

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Jim - Your wonderful comments on your photo greatly increased its impression on me.  Thank you, for the hope expressed.

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I really liked your 'Back Story' on this one Jim. When one has travelled as much as you - you have seen so many beautiful and lush places. Quite often when I read my Bible, and am now learning deeper levels of what seemed to be very 'simple stories' and 'parables'....there always is a deeper meaning...one just has to be open to 'see' and 'explore' just what that might be. I have wondered about the many miles that Jesus would have walked. The terrain many times seems to me to be very arid, dry and with wind and sand flying all about.  I am used to lovely trees in summer and lush fields of crops. Thoughts began filling my mind and perhaps it has to do with becoming more tolerant of conditions that may not always be best.  Your level of appreciation must adjust quite a bit. I kind of linking it to what you said. I have found over my lifetime that we grow more when there are more hardships that we face.  I would have loved to see this place. I recall being amazed when I enjoyed walking through the Roman Forum. To see grooves in the rocks where the Chariots once travelled totally blew my mind. History that I could touch that time separated me from. I have always been amazed at all the places you have seen, and yet you came and visited Peterborough where I live!

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Thanks for your thoughtful comment. The area may well have been more fertile and lust two millenniums ago.

As Susan Sontag once said, "I haven't been everywhere, but it is on my list." !!!

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