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M45 The Pleiades in Taurus


Three 90 minute exposures on hypered Fuji 400 film with a 4-inch Takahashi refractor at f/8

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aka Subaru and The Seven Sisters. Also, often mistaken for the "Little

Dipper". Long exposure, deep space images are painstaking but very

rewarding when they turn out well. The blue color is due to light

reflecting off of surrounding dust clouds as the Pleiades, an open

star cluster, passes thru the region. The cluster actually contains

more than 1000 stars. Thanks for looking.

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G'day William,

I see that you are a real AstroGuy.

I've never been much more than a wannabe...

Superb work here and certainly also in most of the rest of your astrophotography folder.

It might be worth mentioning that all the brightest members of this cluster, are blue giant stars. With Alcyone (just left of center) having a luminosity that is almost 1000 greater than that of our Sun.

Having been interested in the night sky since my earliest years, I find it still amazing today, that dedicated amateurs can obtain astronomical images that used be only in the league of the places such as the Hale Observatories.

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Images like this can only be the result of years of commitment and dedication. I share Pete's sentiment of a wannabe except more so; very humbling in many ways.
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