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Canon 50mm F1.8, Fuji Press 800 pushed to 1600

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Thanks Andrew, this shot was an exposure of about a minute or so at

f5.6 I think(I need a camera that remembers this stuff for me). This

was my second trip up to the volcano. It was raining as I remember

it. The first time I went I tried to use Kodak Supra 100, but I

didn't expose nearly long enough. The second time I used fuji Press

800 pushed to 1600 and I got lucky. But just to see an active volcano

in person is amazing. It's also somewhat dangerous. Around the time

this photo was taken, two tourist were killed by lava when they

strayed from their guide. It is, however, safe to hike up the other

side of the volcano, which is really beautiful, but towards the top

you have to walk through the craters formed by lava flow and you hope

today isn't your unlucky day. By the way, lave flows really fast--far

too fast to outrun.

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Stunning. Almost looks too good to be true; a magnificent capture.


My one picky thought is that it's a bit of a pity the stars' motion is so obvious. That being the case, I'd almost rather see longer star trails.

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This shot is just incredible, Would gladly give up a little star movement for the perfect exposure you have here. You could probably clone off part of each star and that would take care of the blur. I have some long exposures and double exposed night shots you might be interested in looking at.
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A bit foggy / pale on the volcano's body itself and at the last row of trees. Otherwise everything is great. Regards.
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This is a wonderful picture.


What time of the night was it shoot?


My little remark is that the bottom part look a bit unreal, like too much contrast saturation PS filter. What did you do?


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The foreground lighting is interesting. . . almost seems like it's moon light, except that you said it was probably raining. I'm curious how the image will be used. I assume that a large print would be unacceptably grainy and wonder what ASA100 for several minutes would have looked like. . . less realistic, but more artsy :-)
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I really like this picture. I do agree that the stars need to either be sharp or longer trails, but the image is still a great keeper. Capturing the image at night is an interesting idea.


This picture has special meaning to me, as I grew up 17 miles from this volcano in the town of Yogyakarta. When I was very young, my family left Texas for Indonesia so my dad could teach at a seminary there, and so we had this view off our front porch for six years. Sometimes, we would drive to Kaliyurang, only two miles from the base of the volcano, to see it up close and view the pretty tropical flowers in bloom. For me as a kid, I took for granted the awesome landscape I saw and never thought twice about the fact that I had a beautiful, smoking volcano in my front yard. Now, in the US again, all I see is traffic, white pickett fences and more of the same. You have helped me bring back tons of Indonesian memories with this picture. Thank you so much for sharing!


Also, I hope Merapi doesn't turn into another Krakatoa explosion . . .

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Beautiful pic of Mount Merapi... I lived in Yogyakarta for 9 years and studied geology in Gadjah Mada University in Yogyakarta
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