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Harvest Sunrise, Carysbrook, VA #7090



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too bad you can't see the tractor over on the right hand side because I

know you'd be impressed if you could.

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Half a day later..., and I'm surprised that nobody has turned up here, as yet.

This image has a lot of atmosphere (literally). The solar disc immediately grabs my attention and holds it for a while, before my eyes wonder down towards the hay bales in the early morning haze. Eventually, I do arrive at the tractor and immediately go for the Larger View...

Unfortunately, there is not a great deal of difference between 679 pixels and 700 pixels in the horizontal dimension, so I am left wondering what could have been (with regards to being impressed by this particular tractor - tongue firmly implanted).

Overall, I'm really taken by the quality of the light in this one. It is always difficult to get a good result, when one includes the Sun in any composition - especially, when it is already at this height above the horizon...

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Hey there, Pete,


Glad to see you. I loaded a bigger version for you. I'll replace it with the smaller version in a day or two.


Shooting the sun digitally is one thing that's not the same as when shooting with film. For instance, I can't get those starburst streaks from the light tracing up the diaphragm blades. Instead, I get a blob of light and halo.

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looks like our comments crossed in the mail


the larger version still looks pretty bad compared to what I loaded, all fuzzy on the edges, and stuff, but I guess you get the idea ok.

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