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Your works and imagination are very wonderfull. I have to say you are one of the photoshop genius here. One thing, I have to disagree with you about your comments


".....I've found that if you put a kid with any kind of expression on his/her's face you immediately tie into everyone's parenting instincts and they think it's wonderful, whether it is or not. It's almost like if you say it's not good you have insulted the child of everyone viewing...."


I am not sure if you ever photograph a child or not, but I found it's so hard for me to capture a meaningful image of child or to capture the emotional of a child because the child can't act as well as adult model. I also think a lot of time, it's about luck, but photographer must be there to capture that so call "luck" or recognize if he/her could get at least some good images from the current surrounding. I don't think you could put a kid in any kind of expression and have a meaningful image. This is totally untruth. A professional photographer like yourself with excellence imagination could create beautiful photos with different still objects either with or without meaning and emotion, but they are still under your control. With human photograph, especially child photography, to have some feeling and emotion in your photo is not up to photograher (at least I found that most of the time). I really wish you could share some of your perspective focusing on emotional, feeling, and the scope of this picture if you have some spare time or have a chance to read this lines. What kind of feeling when you first see the face of the chid? From your photo, I could see a lot of unique theme and emotion you tried to convey to audience, and I want to learn from that.


I agreed with all of you on the technical area and I am thankful for pointing it out to me. I does give me a different view about my photos. I hope we all shouldn't insult each other as you understand there will some critics focusing on different areas from technique of lighting, photoshop editing, emotion, feeling, the theme, the story. Please don't misunderstand each other. I would hope to have critics who found flaws in my photos and give me some suggestions on how to improve it for future works. Please just don't point it out and said "I don't like it", it won't help me to produce better work in the future. I also thankful for everyone saying "nice shots" as well. It's nothing wrong to give compliment and it certainly boosted my confident :).


Have a great day everyone. Please cheer up...if you have a chance to visit this small poor village in Vietnam, you will appreciate your lives much more becuase you have chances to enjoy your photography hobby. It certaintly changed my perspective of human life.

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so intriguing...almost as if these are animals, not humans...like apes. Just the way the child seems to be protected...very moving.
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This photograph is brimming over with drama and emotion. It is extraordinarily powerful, thanks not only to the way in which the child is being enveloped by obviously loving hands but also to the rich and contrasting colors.


This is simply amazing work. I truly hope you continue to share photoggraphs like this.





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The truth is I feel it doubtfull if the child is being well protected. Its more like he/she is in her mothers hands for the last time.


For me at least its desperate look in the eyes. Might be wrong though.

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I love it. The colors and contrast is just perfect, the child is beautiful and not a flaw in the entire photo!
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Terrific image. I love the light. The frame (black with white outline) is also very appropriate.


Please provide more technical details in terms of the light.

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I went through the posts in this fine image, and, of course, MarcG's comments stand out. I think his distaste for two things, (1) this genre of photography, and (2) what he perceives as the naivete, or worse, dishonesty, of most pnet posters, led him commit vandalism on what is in effect an honest image. If one were to strip the top layer of varnish and paint off the Mona Lisa to show that all the acclaim Da Vinci received over the years are undeserved, he would be universally dismissed as a hater. Sadly, this is what I see here. Yes, the image is not perfect, but the actions of the photographer to enhance it, at the very least, are neither dishonest nor deceptive, and for that reason, I find Marc's attempt to ridicule the photographer distasteful. Just my two cents.

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The child's face seems overly bright and yellow. In fact the whole image suffers from too much of a lot of things, like brightness and contrast (the blown out knees), . Basically I don't look at photographs because I want to see photoshop, in fact that is the last thing I want to see. I feel all the sliders were pushed to the max, and it gets in the way of being able to see the picture.
I try to save my photoshop sessions as photoshop documents. Then I can go back and re-think them. Often I just throw away layers that have gone too far. If you like the way something looks when you move a slider, remember that setting and and then go back and move the slider back and forth a little. Often when we see a change we like, the temptation is to over do it. Sometimes backing off on a adjustment, less is more, sometimes, and it can keep the image from becoming about the photoshop, which is soon boring.
Less unnecessary darkness, contrast, cropping, and more real color and lighting.

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I must apologize, most of my comments were based on the redone image, I'm sorry, I well try to get more sleep. Looking at the original, most of my rants were way off base. I will see if I can correct them.

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I must apologize, most of my comments were based on the redone image, I'm sorry, I well try to get more sleep. Looking at the original, most of my rants were way off base. I will see if I can correct them.
I was not able to cover my folly above, the ten minutes grace had passed. Sorry folks.

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It's a kind of photo that let me reflect on human condition in the third world! The old man hand are strong and strongly preotecting the young life! Excellent shot!

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