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Darwin Again


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Darwin's look is nearly human, but at least we can see how intelligent dog he is.... lovely.
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I think this would be a better shot if you cropped the right side so the the the dark portion of the eye socket were not showing. The full attention should be on the nicely focused eye on the left and the dark area on the right is distracting. If that crop would remove more of the nose than you want to have removed the I would suggest rotating the original image a little to the right before doing any cropping.
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for me this is a great portrait while I don't agree with Shawn about that crop (sorry Shawn). Tremendously difficult as it is to do a good portrait of a human, it's exceedingly more difficult taking a portrait of such beauty and quality of a dog. For me this couldn't have done any better.
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Thanks for the comment





Darwin can look intelligent and even behave intelligent but I sometimes think it's all a ruse. He certainly does consider himself human or maybe even a bit God like.




Thanks for you thoughtful analysis and suggestions. For better or worse this is very close to full frame so there is not a lot of wiggle room. The dark eye does not bother me although by conventional portrait standards, you are quite correct about where the attention should be focused. I do not think I would want to rotate the image as I like the lines at their present angles and the eye seems best this way. One thing I did notice as a result of your comment which I should have caught before is the several errant strands of fur in the bottom corner of that dark eye. I will clone them out and upload the change.




Thanks Darwin is both of those thing! Insane and sweet.




Wow! thanks. I have great respect for your portrait skills, so your comment is very affirming.




I'll have to admit to having trouble seeing Darwin's sideways glances as baleful although I am sure you are correct, in as much as that is how he intends that look to be taken.

The back story to this shot is that he was sitting at the door wanting to go outside. I was delaying him by taking photos. So this is his " Stop pointing that thing at me and open the damn door you fool, before I loose my patience completely! " look. He gets frustrated by the fact that I never take his threats seriously. After all, he is younger than me, stronger than me, and weighs more than me, so how did I manage to end up being the one calling all the shots ?


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This being a full frame image with no room to rotate, I would never recommend that crop because it would remove the wonderful nose you have included. Maybe he will pose for you again someday. 8~)#


I too respect your opinion, and we are allowed to disagree. Life and photography are not Exact Sciences.

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I can see the potential for "baleful," but before I read your back story, I was thinking he was saying/thinking, "You know you're annoying the tar out of me. So, just how long do you plan to continue this foolishness?!"


Your crop is so spot on, and I think the bit of his left eye is essential to conveying his expression, especially the very slightly knitted brow. It's a wonderful portrait of a wonderful fellow. Give him my regards, and tell him his patience (although stretched) with you was well spent!

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thanks. Images like this one you can upload anyday as far as I'm concerned.




thanks. You're right, there are few absolutes, thank God for that. No problem to disagree on this one. Actually, that is a surprise, you're one of the few people I don't that often disagree with ;-)

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Agreed! he s is a charmer irregardless of his age. I have a feeling he is going to be a sweet old man one day also.




Very nice to hear from you. How is life treating you down under? You know him well a poser he certainly is! I always say you can't beat window light for drama.




I have a bad habit of obsessing about getting the maximum out of my format. I tell myself to leave some breathing room but alas it often fails to materialize.




I passed along your regards and Darwin says hi. Him and his sister are quite the pair to contend with.





I'll do my best to oblige. One of the many things I like about Shawn is his tendency to offer up frank and helpful suggestions. Some people are worth disagreeing with and you and Shawn fall into that category.








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Gordon, this shot of your dog is wild, that dark side/eye gives this beautiful dog a haunting look to him. His stare feels like he is looking through my soul. Yet, there is a bashful, timid look to this framing when viewed as the small thumbnail. Excellent portait of Darwin.



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Thanks we do spend a bit of time together him and I.




One of the things I both enjoy and find challenging about photographing animals and my dogs in particular, is that they have no concern for the end result. Consequently on some level every shot is candid. In this case I see what you see, in as much as I did end up capturing some of the complexity of this guys personality. In person Darwin can be sweet and/or frightening, often at the same time.




Thanks... I am glad you like this.

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LOVE Darwin...love the pic. Saw it on Josh's pet post...didn't want to show total favoritism, so I thought I would find it here...great frame, focus and revealing portrait.
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Gordon, I am here checking out your portfolio. This one really caught my attention. I am also a crazy dog lover. This is an incredible, sweet, touching image. I could easily fall in love with this guy. Is he a Great Pyranese (sp?) The eye is so serious, I can't tell if he is worried or willing you to give him a treat. I love the little triangle of light in it. The detail in the fur and whiskers is perfect. This is absolutly wonderful.
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