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Watch the Roses.


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What are everyones thoughts on this photo?


Does the Photoshop magic with the color roses work here or is it a

"bad thing". If its a bad thing is that because it just doesnt

work here or because such radical Photoshop modifications are below us?



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If PS is a distraction and keeps you from growing as a photographer, it is a bad thing.


First, tell us how many shots you took at this site.


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I don't think I would call it a radical modification. It is nothing that hasn't been happening since the turn of the century (last century that is) except that it used to be done by hand with photo oils (oil paints). To me it doesn't work with this image. I see your subject being the three stone figures. To me they are your subject for a couple of reasons...your placement of them in a power position within the composition, and their size dominance in comparison to the other elements of the composition. My eye is pulled away from the subject by the frivilous use of color. As a result, my eye bounces back and forth between the rose garden and the three figures, and never finds a place to rest. In my mind it appears that you were not happy with the image in either color or black and white so you tried to do "save" the shot by doing something out of the ordinary and adding selective color. To me it doesn't work...the color is too much of a distraction. To answer your question directly, ...The reason it doesn't work is because it is a distraction and pulls the viewers eye away from the main subject... not because it is too radical.
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It has taken me a while to figure this one out. Your composition is OK and the exposure is fine although the highlights on the left side of the middle figure are a little blown.



I think the problem I have with this is that the figures don't appear to be "watching" anything. Unless they are watching the plants grow. Figures like this would work well with a juxtaposed human element like kids playing in front of them. It would be preferable to include some of their faces to emphasize the "watching" aspect of their appearance.



As for the coloration, I don't understand what purpose it serves and, if it doesn't clearly serve a purpose, I consider it gratuitous.



Finally, the lighting, while not directly overhead, still seems kind of drab.



While this is a potentially interesting subject, it also is a difficult one, in my opinion. Still, probably worth some time sitting around with camera in hand, waiting for something to add to the scene.

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the shadow is a distraction . . . try early, late, or overcast conditions. Also bring a step ladder, go around to the other side and fill the frame with the flowers, putting the three statues at the very top of the frame. . . . . just another idea.
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Thanks for the comments everyone.


Now that it's mentioned, both the shadows and the color are distracting to me. I used to like this photo! Oh well, it's taken on the campus I attend so I will have plenty of other opportunities to shoot this.


Oh, I only took one picture of it when I was out.

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