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Well the exposure is wonderful and the subject is ................. interesting .... (-; .......... is making me smile for sure Leslie.
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Uhhh! Not a blooding rabbit but.......You really are an original man:-) Ciao. Anna
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Just think of the billions of small pets that meet their greater reward. How better to send them off, so well protected. You may see "Ziploc Sandwich Bags" become "Ziploc Burial Bags". They could have last sentiments, pet names, or graphics printed on them. They could also come in many opacities depending upon...you know...how the pet...like, if a neighbours cat was involved. Ziplocs stocks may soon soar!
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It is a well exposed and thought out image. I just find that the subject matter does not sit well with me. I tend to like most of our "furry friends" and the ones I don't I would not want to become the subject of this photo either.
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Chippies Mock Suicide; Herbicides & Small Animals Don't Mix; Leslie Does Laundry; Leslie's Revenge; Steal from My Bird Feeder You Half Rat...etc....

;-) V.Bice


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You have to appreciate how bizarre this concept is, a dead squirrel hung out on a clothes line in a baggie. I like it. It kinda makes you laugh and say what the hell?
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You'll never stop surprising us... Great!

Only one thing... I feel this is typically the case where a circular spot behind the bag would be better as far as background lighting is concerned - with everything outside the circle being dark...


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This is pretty gentle compared with some photos in "One Man's Meat," notably "Mister Bun." I like furry animals to the point of being a vegetarian, but my cat's a carnivore. This is his dirty work.
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After all this Leslie ........... I think an image of the perpetrator would be appropriate - after all - would be no image without his assistance ...... Maybe even deserves his own folder ......(-;
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...but what would be left of your perverted idea, if there was no animal in the bag? Nothing! Nothing, but a nicely styled picture. This kind of photos, really makes me sad. The only creative idea is to shock people with an innocent dead animal. The rest is simply a well done phtotgraphy of a bag! And what is the message? "Ziploc keeps dead pets fresh?" The message to me is that you wanted to attract attention - nothing else.



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Quite perverse. Your cats seem to be an endless provider of subjects, Leslie. I wonder what the people who reacted so strongly to the headless Mr. Bun would think of this.


As for some of the posts: why do we post images here, if not to attract attention? We might want that attention to get people to comment in our work and thus improve out craft, or to get exposure, or simply because it makes us feel good; but certainly what anybody who posts here wants is attention.


And as far as attention-getters go, this one is a pretty good one (both aesthetically and in originality), with great tones that suit its subject.

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Thanks, all. Gotta love comments like those by C.Z.: "...but what would be left of your perverted idea, if there was no animal in the bag? Nothing!" So true. What would be left of all those paintings of flowers in a vase if there were no flowers in the vase? Nothing! By golly, I hadn't thought of that! Makes me feel pretty silly, I admit.
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its a keeper. it would be great if he was still alive and kickin around all blurry and what not, with a kinda slow shutter speed, lol.


Great shot.


Always nice to hear of a fellow veggie :-)

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Really disturbing. I don't know what Ziploc is, but the clean treatment of this shot makes me wonder about it... Also technically flawless executed.
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Well, I give you credit for creativity, and the shot is well done. Great picture if you ask me. And hey...the cat was hunting. Animals need to eat too. And sometimes they want fresh leftovers!

(shameless unoriginal attempt at humor!!)

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Let's admit it: I have no taste whatever, unless possibly salt. Neither does anyone else. Surprise! Taste, dignity and other such imponderables exist only in the popular fiction we call culture. We pretend to believe in them because otherwise we wouldn't know how to behave. I sometimes honor these figments in the spirit of good citizenship, but don't ask me to suspend my disbelief.

Executive summary: I'm already a vegetarian. Must I also be a maudlin fool?

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One of the most appealing photos I've seen on this site. Brings to mind Robert Frank's shots of photos and other objects pinned to clotheslines.
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It's nice to see a picture that doesn't look like every other picture out there. You found him already dead right? If you need any dead mice, or you just want to rid them from your house, try putting the mousetrap in an empty microwave popcorn bag. When I look at pictures, I love seeing something different. Everything these days tends to look like everything else that's already been done too many times and worn out. You get a definite "A" for originality.
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