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Ancient and Abandoned



© I

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Excellent and strongly composed! The light dancing on the stump is varied and allows the eyes to roam looking for points of interest! I like this quiet a bit! Regards, Doug
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Very well composed Linda,the lighted texture is simply wonderful, as well as the free directions of the tree stamp vs, the "silent" nice BG. Beautiful sky adding to the whole..
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The strong contrast at the top of the trees is a bit of distraction for me. That's not to say I don't like this shot - I definitely find it lovely.
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Thinh, thank you, it's good to hear from you. All the best.


Doug, these old peices of driftwood really apeal to me. They are so much fun to photograph and draw. There is so much going on and they seem to have personality. I am glad you like this, thanks for commenting.


Mary, I love this noble old stump, I've taken many pictures of it. I'm glad you noticed the trees in the background. Thanks for commenting.


Pnina, thanks. I'm afraid I don't know what you mean by the tree stump vs. the "silent". I appreciate your comments and thoughts. Warm regards.


Laszlo , thanks for pointing that out, I didn't really notice it. There is often a big variation in light and shadow on the tree tops as the clouds interfere with the sunlight. I am glad you like it and appreciat you taking the time to comment.



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Nicely captured and composed Linda, I like the lighting on the stump bringing out it's detail, especially those curving lines down the root and up the trunk. The background isn't a problem foe me, I kind of like the lighting on the background firs bringing out a little detail from those shadows.
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This old man resting and relaxing in paradise. I love the texture and overall character of this find.
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Estupenda toma,magnifica composicion,con una excelente luz,tonos y texturas.


Un cordial saludo -Tolo.

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Linda, What I mean is, the stump has a lot of texture and light ( like a life srory...) while the BG is nearly smooth in form. and less lighted, so more "silent"... I hope it explains.
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Guest Guest


I really like the lines and texture, as well as the shape itself, of the tree stump, its warmth as well. I think the drama of the sky and the cove shape of the shore with its own more atmospheric lighting as well. For me, the water is a weak spot, a bit lifeless considering the amount of space it occupies. I wish some of the light rays were giving the water just a bit more presence. Nevertheless, I can feel what attracted you about this scene and you've done a nice job of it.
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I agree with you about the water. I didn't think of doing anything to perk it up, I didn't think it was neccessary. I may try a bit of highlighting just to see what it looks like. These old stumps facinate me. Makes me realize that there is almost as much going on below ground as above. Thanks so much, I always appreciate hearing your thoughts. Warm regards.





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This is one of my favorites of yours; it is a very striking image. I think your commentator above means (s)he likes the"quiet background". Thank you for commenting on my "Postcard" That is the format of my camera I guess!

The great picture above I would experiment with PS Image/adjust/shadow/highlight as I find it just a tad too dark.

Cheers from down the road!


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