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will king

1Ds Mark III + 135mmL.

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Congratulations for your new camera , very nice portrait, I like the DOF and natural pose of your wife , well done Felicidades //Spenaloza
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Ok Will, you bragging on the new camera or..... well, one is very nice and the other is excellent - you tell the wife which!! :-) Mike


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I don't know whether to congratulate you on your camera or wife? :o)

The image is very nice, so... You have the camera, you have the model, get busy shooting and sharing.



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Congratulations on the new camera!



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Very nice shot Will! And you caught a special moment in this photo - hope this photo is framed on your desk!
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This is nice Will. I do have to say one thing though that may upset you and some others. I'm not seeing anything special about the 1ds3. I haven't seen one single picture from the ds3 that the 5d couldn't make, but I am viewing online shots and not prints. That may, and probably does, make a difference. I'm sure the prints look better from the added resolution. I like the color of the 5d much better. I noticed a huge difference with Marc Adamus' pictures. Since he started using he 1ds3 I haven't liked anything from him, and that's saying alot because I would list him as my favorite photographer in the world. What is yor opinion Will? You have used both and have seen the prints. Is the 1Ds3 really that much better than the 5D based on IQ alone? I'm not seeing it. It also makes me want a 5D that much more. I can't believe how great that camera is and I still don't have one. Take care buddy.
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Kelly, you're right. You won't see the difference on small pics like this. Where the 1Ds MIII really shines is when you open a RAW file from it and hit that "Actual Pixels" button in Photoshop. I have a 30' Apple Cinema Display that can't even contain the full res photo. Viewing a photo at 100% and looking at all the tiny little details is where the 1Ds MIII shines. The 5D is still a great camera, don't get me wrong but the 1Ds MIII is almost twice the MPs. It really helps with larger prints and when it comes to cropping down.
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