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Target Practice Occurred Here


Shot in RAW. Post processing done in Adobe Bridge, ACR and Photoshop cs3. Exposure details: f13, 1/160", ISO100, 44mm.

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I'll need to go back to re-examine Shawn's stuff, because as fascinated as I was by this old rusty truck, I had difficulty composing about it. Your thoughts?
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I really like old rusty things for subjects too- you found a nice subject here. I think it could work well in B&W too. Very nice in color as well.
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I am guessing that this old truck is not in an isolated or open area because you showed us only close up views of it and no landscape views. When there are landscape view of an old vehicle there are usually more options available for showing it, and when there are not then the photographer must get creative and show close up and abstracts of it.


I think you have done a good job of isolating very interesting images of the old truck, but without seeing the "big picture" I really can't say anything about how I would have shot it differently. Nice work.

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You know, Shawn, there were lots of car parts strewn around the ground there, and I couldn't find a way that I liked to compose them. The (dirt) road was immediately to the right of what you see (the tree beyond is on the other side of the road), and the side of a hill to the left. And beyond ... well, I'll attach a "context" photo or two to give you an idea. :-)
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You see, I really didn't want to compose a photo around a great looking rusted out car with an outhouse behind it.............

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Later, I moved the Mustang next to the truck for an old/new shot, but don't really like the result. And, flakey gal here didn't think to back the Mustang into the spot so that both vehicles would be facing the same direction. Haha! :-)

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What a find! I don't know which one I like better. The bullet holes really add interest. Wonderful!


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When in doubt about a landscape shot try getting down low with a wide angle lens. You can get in close but still show the entire truck, and by being low you can get some sky background and eliminate all the ground clutter if you don't like it. Guess you'd better go back and try it again...
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