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© Copyright by the photographer


ilona wellmann

Original macro capture


© Copyright by the photographer

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This is the kind of image that makes me want to grab my camera and get to work. It's a reminder of the incredible beauty that exists in the simplest of things.
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Beautifully composed and exposed image. Incredibly I have had in mind just such an image, and have been searching for the appropriate feather. If only mine turns out half as well as this ... the feather isn't for sale is it?


Gorgeous work.

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I love macro!


I just said that in another picture. This one is great. I have a shot much like this, three droplets on a grass leaf. Because of the small pili on the leaf the drops look like they're floating.


But on this one you captured the texture and the drop is almost invisible. And that highlight, it is beautiful. It gives depth to the drop. Simple and plain, yet astonishing. NC

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Most Macros tend to leave me cold... but this is spectacular. My one qualm would be the bright highlight in the water drop. But other than that, the strong lines, composition, and exposure make this a truly wonderful photo.


Just out of curiosity, how much cropping was done?

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Extremely well executed, with a very good light and composition. My favorite drop shot of yours at this point. Regards.
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I love macro shots because they show the simplicity and beauty of the building blocks of nature. I especially enjoy the white diagonal stripe's slight curve and offset in the drop.


Your lens says 250D -- does that mean you had a 250mm macro lens to take this picture?

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Super. I really like the lighting on this. The bit in the upper left corner takes away from it a bit, but even with it it's an excellent picture. I'm guessing that cropping it out (whether from the left or the top) would throw off the composition.
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Finally, a POW that just about everyone should be able to agree on, as an excellent choice. The elves must have decided that the needed a break.


Excellent compostion and tonal range. My only minor pick is the brightness of the highlight on the water drop, but that is just a personal taste.


Very nice job Ilona and congratulations.

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Congratulations Ilona, a well deserved POW.Your selected portfolio always shows us your wonderful techique and creativity.Anna
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I don't understand how the elf picked this photo for POW. You have posted so many great shots!Looking at your photos over time, I would be hard pressed not to keep selecting you week after week. You have a style, skill, and wonderful photos that help us strive for better results.


Thanks for sharing so many great photos.

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