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Auto eye


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Very neat!!! It would be nice to see the eye corner and that she is looking at something that caught her attention, for example, reflection from the beach, people playing, bird in the sky, sunset,...etc. I think that would make the picture stronger.
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I like this photo. Something other than the back of a rather plain house might have been better I think. Could DOF been increased (can this be done easily on this digital camera?) at all or was it at the max? How about a polarizer to adjust the amount of reflection?


Wish I took this picture... but the back of my house is just as boring... ;-)


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Though this picture is amazing, there are some aspects that I think could use improvement. Like the above poster stated, it would be better to have a different reflection. The structure is somewhat indistinct and dominated by the bright floor. Also, the composition feels too tight on the left and the bottom. For example, you kept the eyelashes on the top (I like that), but the eyelashes on the bottom are clipped.
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The number one thing that I try to sharpen in my photos are the eyes. This is truely great work. It is something that takes ones breath away. The color the sharpness and the mind set of the photographer as one. Great job.
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The number one thing that I try to sharpen in my photos are the eyes. This is truely great work. It is something that takes ones breath away. The color the sharpness and the mind set of the photographer as one. Great job.
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how did you did get the to focus so close? do you have the close up lens? I don't think mine focuses that close.
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Guest Guest


This picture is amazingly sharp. I agree with the comment above about not having the bottom eye lashes cropped out. But the picture itself is so carefully focused, it's almost like I can grab the eye from the monitor screen and pull it out.




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I love it. I agree that you could have chosen a something else for the reflection - but it's great nonetheless. Great idea.
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Very nice shot compositionally, but the eye looks too active. There's something weird about seeing the full iris and pupil on a side view of an eye. Don't let it bother you, though. It's a really cool shot!
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This picture lacks aesthetic appeal because of the extreme detail of lashes and eyelids. However, its originality cannot be argued greatly, and the flawless surface of the eye itself is appealing because of its orb-like quality.
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I know its completely natural, but does anyone else get a strange feeling looking at the right side of the picture (the skin)? It seems startlingly parallel to the camera (or perpendicular, however you want to look at it). Not a complaint, but it makes _me_ wonder, anyways.
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Close up of eyes are so fascinating. Very nice photo Miguel Mealha. So much to say from one's soul, would love to find so many more eye images, call it a hobby, call it an obsession, the colour, emotion... speechless.


For anyone who might know where there are lots of eye pictures please let me know.


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