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© ©2007 David A. Seltzer

Purple Haze



© ©2007 David A. Seltzer

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Recently, a good PN friend taught me about foreground bokeh, and I saw

a chance to experiment with it for this shot, so I thought I'd put it

up for comments. The title seemed inevitable, as it applies to this

image, and might make for a few reminiscent smiles. Thanks for looking

and for any comments you might leave.

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Such a beautiful dream____ incredible study of the DOF, focus & exposure again, David, lovely mood you created here, so sweet! Best regards
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Such a lovely image. The soft focus surrounding the single sharp rose is very effective. You have created a great sense of depth. The haze gives the photo the feeling of stepping into a dream.


You are possibly growing weary by now, of me repeating this, but I do feel that your yellow border robs your flowers of some of the glory they justly deserve. I want the yellow of the roses to be the show stopper not the border. Of course this is merely a personal preference issue and has nothing to do with the image itself, which I do enjoy on numerous levels.

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No, I'm certainly not weary of you reminding me of your preferences for frames and the like. Actually, I wasn't sure I liked the yellow frame or not, but I thought it might bring out the flowers. Truth is, I only do frames as a way to present shots on PN. If I print them, I leave the framing to whoever gets the pic, or my whim of the day. Translation: I have no particular investment in the framing. So, you'll have to let me know how you like the re-do I'm uploading with this comment.


I'm delighted you like this shot, since you're the one who taught me foreground bokeh, and I was thinking of you as I worked on taking this. You'll likely be pleased to know there's nearly no PP on it other than cropping and a slight adjustment of levels.


Thanks for your comments, not to mention your teaching and influence toward my thinking of approaching a subject this way.

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If you didn't change the image at all between the posted one and the reframing for Gordon, then I vote heavily for the version without the yellow border. The one without the border seems to have the yellows more saturated and the purple in the BG comes out better too. I would have sworn the image itself was different, not just the frame. But, it could be the result of the intensity of the frame changing my perception of the contents.


I find the OOF purple in the lower right a little too dominating. But, I realize that was the point here, so it is an issue of personal aesthetics and not technical flaw. If you are inclined to revisit this at some point, I would try this with the darkest part of the OOF purple blob just below the RH roses brightened 10-15%. I'm not sure at all that would totally change my opinion on the OOF area there, but it would be my first attempt in working the image.


I do love the in focus flowers and the pair of echoing OOF flowers. It is the purple/dark zone that troubles me a bit.


Oh, and the columbine is so very nice. I love it being right in the centre of the top frame edge.

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Thanks very much for taking such a careful look and leaving detailed comments. The image is definitely the same with and without yellow frame, so, it seems very clear to me the frame detracts. I'd thought it might bring out the yellow in the flowers, but I can see how it works in reverse as well. Thanks for your honest impressions. And I'm glad you like the columbine, too. Thank you!
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