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I'd appreciate critiques on this image, but what I'm really looking

for is advice on what's wrong with my photography in general. Is

there something that I'm generally doing or not doing which causes my

photos to be less than successful? I just feel like I'm missing

something. Any comments would be appreciated!

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Hmmm, i'm not an expert on this but;

I find your photo quite beautiful, however, i think the picture is not as sharp as it could be... maybe it's just the scanning though. The other thing that bothers me are the dots on the bottom half of the picture. Was there dust on the negatives when you scanned them?

What I like is the combination of 2 colors -> nice contrast. Did you use a filter?




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Hi Stacey

Took a brief meander thru your folders, and there are some rather good shots in there. The main thing I could say is something that took me a while to get into my head - EDIT. Before showing any photo to anyone, anywhere, look at it over a period of weeks, and if it still excites you, if you can still see some value in it , then show it. Throw the rest away (or file them). As for the shot of the jetty here, I would be asking myself - what is it a picture OF, what's the point of interest, what is it about this picture that expresses ME as a photographer, what makes this image stand out from the crowd? If the answer is "well nothing much, really" - then file it. Only show those photos which are something special. If I get one or two keepers from a roll of 36, then I consider myself lucky. Hope this helps some.



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To me the main problem with this one is the colour, dissentry biege is never a colour which is going to make people jump up and down! I think for instance if you had chosen an 80A (very blue) filter instead the serenity of the scene would have been conveyed much better.


On the whole though your photography is good, the tattoo parlour ones especially.

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You have a good eye Stacy. Your perspective seems to be off by just a little bit. I would encourage you do more shooting of the same subjects, changing angles, changing perspectives. move your feet, walk around, see what looks good to your eyes and then frame it. On this image, if you had the dock coming out of the lower left corner and heading for the upper right, it would help quite a bit. I would get a little lower as well. Everone sees things from standing height, squat or lie down for an interesting perspective.
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I like the color. I like the perspective. I live the inclusion of lots of foregroud water and feeling that you're very low to the water.


This picture might be improved by just a wee bit of cropping, while straightening the horizon to make it level.


The water almost reminds me of one of those cheezy sets they use in Japanese sci-fi movies, where the monster comes out of the water.... its a bit of a surreal effect. I don't know if you were trying for that, but its a nice effect you don't see every day.

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Guest Guest


too slanted too the right and needs more contrast. i like the color.
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