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D-fly please check the large.


Please check the large.aken at about 2.5 - 3metres away using AIservo for focus tracking. Monopod.

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Wonderful flight shot with again perfect details and colors! You only have 2 (dust) spots at the bottom of the photo or maybe it are other flies in the background LOL ;o)
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Thankyou Wendy well spotted you're right. I should give my 5D sensor a clean. I haven't cleaned it before ever :-(


Thanks Jeffrey.

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Nice done, great job, I love the colors Necip, ..... nothing more can say, just congrats. Nima
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I viewed it larger and the sharpness and detail holds up very well. Is it possible to get a bit more dof with this camera/lens combination?
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Thanks everyone. I appretiate the kind comments. Jim yes a little more DOF is possible but I would have had to rely on flash photography as the shutter speed wouldn't be sufficient and I don't like to rely on too high an iso. I have tried flash but I just don't like flash macro's. Thanks again best rgds Necip.
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Necip, esta foto es una de las mejores que he visto de libelulas, la definicion y el color es extraordinario. Buen trabajo. Saludos. Joaquin.
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It amazes me that you have captured dargonflies inflight more than once. This proves that it wasn't a lucky shot. I have shot Hoverflies and Carpenter Bees inflight, but have yet to capture any descent dragonflies. I tip my hat to you, Sir. You are an outstanding photographer!
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Well Necip, this critic is for the whole of your dragonflies. It's simply stunning what you manage to do with such a combination on lens. I've seen in a magazine pictures similar to yours, but with several flashes etc, not in such a simple way. Years ago I did some good pictures of dragonflies, but statics, and were dificult enough. To do it in flight, as you do, it's just beyond my imagination...
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