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Talking to a Fish?


260mm, 1/1000th@f5.3 ISO 200

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It may be partly because it doesn't fit on my monitor, but the format annoys me. I'm not getting that the picture needs to be this shape, unless there is bad stuff just outside the frame, and that's not a good enough reason. I don't like the light: I don't see why he should have a glowing chest or a Rudolph nose. I'm not getting a thematic reason for the blur ...


and yet ... there is something charming about it.


So what's the question? Keep it or throw it away? Easy: keep it if you like it. Crop and Shop? Done already to the breaking point. What to do next time? There isn't a next time for this shot, of course, but this is still in some sense the most useful question, for me. Look in the corners, as Scott says, and mind the light.

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C.K. can you put the original of this photo up. I have seen it at your site.....I think you have taken a not so interesting photo and done something interesting with it here.....I like this....but I would like it better in a group...series....Chris's Fishing Series.
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