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Any help would be greatly appreciated. I used an aperture of 8.0 on aperture priority

setting, how do you know what aperture to choose? Thanks for all your help - Lex

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The old joke is "f8 and be there". Seriously, f8 gives pretty good depth of field as you have here. The color rendition makes this an enjoyable shot to view. One suggestion I would offer would be to use PhotoShop to rotate the horizon so that it is level. The tilt is distracting, at least to me, and would be really easy to fix. Just a thought.
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Alexa, I too would have almost instictively and immeditely have chosen f.8 for a scene like this too. There is nothing intrinsically wrong with your choice. I am trying to understand your concern about your chosen setting. In retrospect, had you wanted to get greater focus clarity on some area primarily? or might you have wondered about opening up some more detail in the foreground rocks and area?

Having started about aperture settings, I wonder if you experimented with using your settings but focusing onto different range settings in a scene like this. The adage goes that one should focus 'about a third into the image'. Perhaps that is the question you really have to ask yourself? Also experimenting with non machine aperture/shutter speed settings might be of benefit too. On the whole, this is a good exposure! Best Wishes ~ mike

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How can a landscape be so original, there are plenty of them?! It can! The sea leaning to the left is a very original motif, very rarely seen, ha! Cheers to that! Beautiful picture anyway!



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Thanks all for your great comments. I've just started trying to figure out and understand the manual settings and happened upon f8 here for the shot. I guess I got lucky with my choice. Again thanks for all your kind remarks. - Lex
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This one caught my eye right off. I like the composition and the foreground rocks, which add a lot of interest and depth to the composition. The beach and rocks are a tad dark. The tilted horizon is bothersome, but an easy fix in whatever image working program you use. Very nice image.


Best regards,


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Thanks again Tammy. I do love his photo, and fixing the horizon really helped. Thanks again - Lex
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I like this. I like how you are captured many elements at the same time. warm sand, and hard stones. cold and fresh water. Then here is also air. Glouds and wind. My little nitpick might be that this picture is little pit tilt? Is it?

You have done great work whit that lightning and composition. Great work Lex!

Cheers! :)

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Hi E. It's so great to hear from you. Yes, it is a bit tilted, I think. It's something that I didn't notice right away, I think I was just preoccupied with looking at the rocks. I keep forgetting about going back and change it. Thanks so much for stopping by and commenting. It's so good to hear from you - Lex
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Hi Alex, I would choose F16 to F22 and get the focus on one of the forground rocks. You need to shoot it from a tripond and best is when you have a little water level and get the cameral vertical and horizonal level. You should look at the history gram to see if you preffer a little more or less exsposure compenstation in general I often have -2/3 It there is a big difference in light above and below the horizont you can use a ND grad filter its darker at the top then the bottom and will allow you to exspose all evenly.


If you have not got one use photoshop and add a gradient filter to a new layer and tick the botton for reverse. adjust the top slider so its only effective from the middle of the picture and change the mode to soft light.


Regards Carl


If you want a really good book that walks you through lots of photoshop adjustments I recommend Scott Kelby the 7 point system. All his books are good. check out his web site www.scottkelby.com

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Thanks Carl, I'm thinking I'm going to buy the NG filter this weekend. Any suggestions on a good strength would be greatly appreciated. - Lex
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