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Grand Lichens


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It's grand, and ye canna expect to be baith grand and comfortable Thank you in

advance for your comments.

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This is one of those pictures where I would say is mostly interesting to the owner. I would prefer to see the background in focus. If the focus was intentionally the lichen, then perhaps a much tigheter crop.
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The out of focus background and foreground aren't really a problem if the lichen is the focus. But it's too dark and too far away to get the texture that would make it a better picture.
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I agree i would have rather focused on the background as their looks like nice soft light hitting the canyon or rather if you wanted the lichen then move forward and have the lichen in the foreground against the nice light in the background.


Hope this helps!

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I don't agree, I find this shot very original: first of all, both foreground and background out of focus give the impression of a still life photo, which is in contrast with the vaste landscape we can see (or better imagine...);

second, I find it a nice and ironic view of a subject too much captured with f/11 or f/22...

Regards, Marco

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A mi lo que siempre me cuesta es ubicar el foco entre areas desenfocadas,no digo que no este correcto o que este dentro o fuera de las reglas es que simplemente no me acostumbro,particularmente creo que la porcion desenfocada delante del liquen me distrae,bueno simplemente te he querido dejar mi impresion...Luz y recorte muy apropiados.Un abrazo

PD. Te dejo mi sincero rate,como coherentemente vengo haciendo siempre

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Mike, thank you for your honest response, I really appreciate the time you took to see my photo and to comment on it. Actually this is exactly what I was aiming for, rather than having a bunch of ratings, I wanted to get a few but meaningful comments, of the kind that could help me understand the impact this image has on the viewer.


Ray, like I said to Mike, I really appreciate when anyone takes the time to observe and comment accordingly, rather than just rating. I see your point, but didn�t want to blow out the background by exposing just for the foreground, which in return forced me to expose differently and work harder on the post processing to get more detail out of the darker areas.


Dean, it helps more than you could imagine; comments such as your are what help me get better results with time, and the main reason why I joined photo net and post images such as this.


Marco, you are right on the spot my friend, that is exactly what I wanted to achieve, a different look at a much photographed landscape; a view that I knew before hand wouldn�t get too much attention or good ratings, but would be an interesting thing to see and to comment by others, and a great learning experience for me.


Tolo, como siempre, agradezco tu atencion a mi trabajo, me agrada que te haya gustado este extranio experimento.


Mario, como siempre un placer, y no esperaba nada menos de ti. Sabes lo que pienso acerca de los ratings, son muy utiles para lograr que una foto sea vista por un mayor numero de gente, y consecuentemente para obtener un mayor nuecero de comentarios, que son lo que realmente le dan un gran valor a este sitio. Y bueno, quiza intente demasiado ir contra los canones en esta ocasion, y me quede en el intento de mostrar el Gran Canion de una forma diferente. Saludos,


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I agree with Marco and Tolo. My first reaction to this image was real interest. The limited focal area drew my attention immediately, as did its place in the overall composition. I like this! Warm regards...
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Thank you Joseph, I'm glad you liked this one, and that the limited focal area worked for you....cheers!
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Very good and original. I like it very much. My first impression, despite the gorgeous, glowing colors are that of some lunar landscape, or Martian (that would fit the colors better), where some astronauts would be collecting samples of rocks and pebbles. Secondly, your humorous way of playing with codes to avoid and somehow mock the traditional, expected capture of such a magnificent site is delightful. Eventually, despite the focus and extreme close-up, the blurred background is here to remind us of the grandeur of grand canyon. A little tour de force. Congrats!
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Such a bold, powerful and original interpretation of the grand canyon I have never seen. Except perhaps you macro shot of the same place from back in the winter. I love the blurred foreground which I personally feel is an underused technique to isolate a single aspect of a scene. Wonderful colour scheme too.


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Janusz, thank you very much for taking the time to stop and look at it, and of course also for leaving some words about it. I really appreciate it.


Laurent, your comment is most welcomed; it is to much fun trying to break some rules and pushing some boundaries, however that may prove to yield both sweet and sour results. So far I'm impressed by most of the comments towards this one, before posting it I could almost bet that it would be bashed and trashed by many. Gladly I was wrong, and people such as you, have grasped perfectly well what I was trying to achieve.


Gordon, what can I say, coming form someone that has "bold" and "original" for breakfast every day, I feel overwhelmed with that recognition. Like I said before, it's just too much fun to stand before such a place, trying to come out with a different approach, but much more fun it is to see that some actually understand it and like it at the same time......However; I have to admit that the macro you refer to is my favorite of the two.


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very interesting and creative perspective on landscape. bautiful capture. regards.
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