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Gone Fishin.....


motion study

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It looks like a lot of crawling/swimming fish in the water, swimming from R to L.... thats why you have gone fishin....? ;-))


as usual your technic works well!

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Thanks for commenting. This is yet another slow shutter photo, judging by the recent response people must be getting pretty tired of these :) This one is shot from a tripod at the surface ripples on my pond while the trout are feeding at the surface in the evening. The slow expansion of the ripples causes the blur effect. You can see in the middle far right two points out from which the circles expand one large and one small.


The title has two meanings. In English the term ' gone fishin' refers to a person stopping one activity, usually work or some form of drudgery, in favour of something more enjoyable. I think this relates back to country store owners posting a sign in the window when business is very slow and it is not worth staying open. Instead they go out fishing in the slow times rather than standing around the shop for no good reason.


In my case I have in recent times seen some of the few people who bother to look at my work, and /or whose work I admire, either pull down there photos and leave or get kicked off the site or just loose interest and stop commenting or posting. Some of this may have to do with the horrid lack of functionality on this site. People just do not have the patience. My last two submissions for critique generated no comments at all on their way through the forum, which is not all that uncommon and either 1 rating or no ratings. You know there are problems when the 3/3 raters go home:) Sometimes it is simply better to hang the 'gone fishin' sign in the window and find better use for the time.


As an aside, I have a friend who runs the local country store down the road. In the winter when times are slow he puts out a sign that says " back in 5 minutes". Us locals know that " 5 minutes" could mean anything up to a couple of days :)

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Thanks for your explanations. I agree that the function of the site is terrible, and some times I go fishin too.... LOL ,but I think that it not the only reason that some of them don't get rated or commented on. I think that some of them just are less attractive to people in general. Being here the 6th year, I know from my experience that this is what happens to some of the photos, even we can think they are good. Also there are very different taste to people, some are open to different subjects and are ready to"taste" also works that are not their way of creating,( I love to try to analyse some that are not my way of photographing) and some just will not look and comment/rate if it is not the style they photo ....


I do think that there are here still good photographers even some good ones have left or less active. I saw some that left and came back after trying other sites, basicly from my experience they all are more or less the same....


I hope that the site will function better as Josh writes that they are in the process of changing the server.I have tried other site and did not leave here . I will write you an email too.

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Hi I just came int o take a break from outside chores and found your reply.



" I think that some of them just are less attractive to people in general. "


This is very true, I know that I have only been here for a year but I have pretty much figured out what it takes to get lots of comments and high ratings. On occasion I will post and image ( not for that reason) which I know will suit more peoples taste and I am usually correct about what people like. I am very use to my tastes being in the minority. Since my childhood most times I play music on the stereo it sends people running from the room :)


I guess for me it becomes a question of whether the amount of work I put into PN is actually useful to others and myself or whether I am better to put the effort into my photography instead. It is a hard issue to consider as I have made a lot of good friends here. I do think at the very least I need to rethink my priorities. I will look for your mail and get back to you later when the sun goes down and I am hopefully finished my chores for the day. Thanks for your reply.


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Hi Gordon, I hope you and Pnina don't mind me jumping into your conversation here. I completely understand your comments about what many feel are "good" images, rateable and worth commenting upon, or even (gasp) sale able. It does come down to taste of the masses. I regularly visit both your portfolios although am remiss about commenting. I visit your portfolios account the recognition of creativity and good solid photographic technique. I believe that if you are creating images that are truly different in the effort to further art (for yourself and others) that you will not be well rewarded. Developing a style which the general public finds acceptable is often humdrum. The decision is whether to continue when you receive little support in your efforts or assume the stance that you really don't care whether viewers like it or not. It is a difficult decision. It is one that I have not been able reconcile to myself.


I do hope this site gets it's act together as far a functionality. Last evening Photo.net was unusable. We keep getting promises and I am willing to wait, but right now it is difficult not going somewhere else.



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Please except my apologies for taking so long to respond. I have been away from home and have just now caught up with your comment.


I agree that the dilemma can be in whether to pursue you muse knowing that your taste is outside of the mainstream or tailor your art to what you know will be well received. For myself I tend to choose the unlikely path of following my muse in the hope that one day it may be well received. I am fortunate in as much as I have little to nothing riding on the results. I just do not think I would be happy studying the TRP page all day and then going out an emulating what seems to work.


Thanks for the comment. I too have been remiss in commenting on your work. I enjoy your contributions to the NW forum. I also stick my head through the door and poke around in your portfolio regularly. I am always fascinated and in awe of your skill with image manipulation and the wild compositions you arrive at.


Thankfully PN seem to be more functional for the moment. Lets hope it stays that way :)

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Reading yours and Pnina's comments has made me somehow nostalgic. Indeed it is sad to loose some great photographers and friends from this site, and though there's nothing to do but to respect their decisions, they will be missed; hopefully some will return. In the meantime though, likes been said already, there's a fair amount of great people still posting, and so many other talented artists that join the site every day.

It's also clear that what works for some doesn't work for others, but is my opinion that the variety of taste and likes is one of the biggest strengths of this site. Sometimes you hope that a picture does well in ratings and comments and it goes almost unnoticed, and sometimes you expect a slow response and wake to see your site has been visited by many and commented by some.

Any way, I've always enjoyed looking through your portfolio, and though at times am unable to comment right away, I'm not willing to let your work pass through with out taking a good look at it; there is a lot to be learned from people like you. Cheers!

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Thanks for your point of view, and I think it is important discussion about why and for whom we create. I think that first we create because we have the need of expression. It is not an easy road and takes a lot of time till one find his own way of expression. you are both right that it is important to create what you think is right for your art development, withiot thinking what the masses will say....The first thing I think is being loyal to your thinking , feelings, and developing your skills by learning and be open to critique.


I think Gordon is doing it, (and I do it as well.) I think his work is special and has his strong personal print of his inner life, as well as his developed technic that some are trying to mimic..


Juan, some that left are back, but now that the site function is better others will come back again, and new good photograpgers join in.


Thanks both of you, and Gord, I hope you don't mind!

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Why do we create? Why are a few among the huge mass of humanity driven to artistically create? Is it a gift or an anomaly? Or, are we obsessive compulsive and just seeking attention from others? It is because the reward/satisfaction of creating within ourselves is enough and yet not. We like this feeling so we strive to feel it again through continued efforts.
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I see that Gordon is very busy.... I wonder what will be his explanation, to your question , why he ( we ) creates.....;-))
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Thanks for the sage advice. I was looking at the glass half empty, when I wrote my original comment. Feeling sad and nostalgic at the loss of some old friends rather than looking forward to making new ones. In the end several people who had talked of leaving have ( at least for now ) decided to stay. I was consider this myself, ( leaving that is ) and although I will scale back my activity at PN over the summer I do feel this is a good community to be a part of. I continue to learn and enjoy the comradeship of other photographers.




I agree that we seem to need a means of self expression. I have noticed in my own life that the more work and attention I put into soul searching and finding routes to my creative side the larger that aspect of life becomes in my day to day existence. In my youth I wrote and photographed and studied art and music on an almost daily basis. For several decades life seemed to leave my time occupied by more pressing concerns and that part of my life withered. Now I am finding my artistic inclinations returning. My point being that, what we feed in ourselves is what grows. I suspect that given some nurturing everyone has a creative voice even if it has remains dormant and unexplored.




Thanks for the follow up. I think the reasons we create are as varied as we are. Every one of your suggested motivations has at one time be part of what makes me carry on. Except the obsessive compulsive part, I am much to slovenly to fit that mold :-)


I think creativity is, amongst other things, about finding outward means to look inward. A sort of dredging of the minds interior. When I have the camera in hand and I am trying to compose a shot my mind goes to a different place. I am functioning on more of an intuitive level than I usual do.


I also believe creativity is about connecting with and belonging to the outside world and the community. I know that one aspect of my interest in this community at PN is getting feedback on my work. The critical comments help me to learn and I won't deny that sometimes getting a bit of praise and comprehension for a photo brightens my day and gives some confirmation and validation to my efforts.


As I said to Pnina above, I do not think that we are anomalies. Maybe just getting the right encouragement from within and without, along with a few other factors conspiring to nudge us along is the actual anomaly. This would speak more to societal priorities than individuals either having creativity or not. An interesting and complex issue.




I am trying hard to find time for my PN friends in between other pressing needs :-)

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I know that you are busy with other subjects that are important to your life, but you have a " problem" with me....I like knowing what you think, I like the way of your evaluation( not only mine) and your wording style ( and thats as well, the only way we have to deepen our understanding of each other....;-))


I think you are right that many of us human being have the creative ability, Some will take it to other directions, some will not do anything with it.



Creation for me, (like for you ) is enriching my inner life, it is as well a way of communication with the world close, and far away from me. A connection that develops my entire life perception, as being open to the world, other way of thinking and creating, accumulates to widening mine.

I will tell you what my friends are telling me... they say that because I'm so busy, I find the time for everything....LOL, you too my friend!



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Gordon, what is a TRP page?


I photograph what strikes my fancy and I don't feel I have a congruent style or expression that would either be received or not. In fact, I think I would rather have a form of expression and or style that is not well received but satisfying to produce.


But to the image - I really like it, it's very exquisite, from the multiple rings over taking one another as a result of your slow shutter approach to the complex multiple bands of color.


I can assure you that your work is very well received by myself and a host of others; if I were wealthy, I would bankroll a gallery for you to sell your works.


I have not posted in a while as I am busy with things. My time here is in spurts both in posting my own images and commenting on others. I wish I had more time to explore the many talented artists that reside. For the time being, I'll have to be content to stick with just a handful of talented artists such as yourself, Pnina, Jeff and a few others.



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My apologies, I somehow overlooked responding earlier although I did read your comment at the time.

I have to say that I am constantly amazed at the amount of energy you manage to come up with to contribute to PN amongst your many other activities. Myself , I lack the energy or perhaps the discipline to be so well organized and devoted. I do my best but often it seems there are just not enough hours in the day.




The TRP is the top rated photos section of PN. It shows up in the drop down menu under the Gallery tab. Basically it gives some extra exposure to images that the PN population have deemed as top photos by giving them ratings. It is basically a numbers game. I used to visit the TRP but nowadays I seldom do. I find myself in the same time crunch you have mentioned and it is enough of a challenge to try and keep track of a small group of like minded photographer such as yourself and Pnina and a few others whose work I enjoy following.


I agree that it is more important and enjoyable to seek your own satisfaction than to try to pander to what may be popular. Like yourself I shoot what seems interesting at the time.


Thanks for that generous assessment of my work. In that case it is indeed a shame that you are not hugely wealthy :-)


As for the photo, I did a number of these one afternoon when the light seemed favourable. Several of them came out nicely. The trout were rising to pick off mayflies so the surface was constantly shifting with the subsequent ripples they made.


Well.. as much as I am enjoying sitting here, I had better get back outside and do some work on my lawn tractor before my lawns turn into a hay field.


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