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© 2001 journeyoflight.com

Into the Moon



© 2001 journeyoflight.com

From the category:

Performing Arts

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Does this photograph seem to convey a feeling of freedom or not it

not quite rise to hit it's mark?

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Doesn't do it for me. I think that the fact that the balloon is smooshed into one corner prevents me from feeling "lightness" or "freedom" from this photo. Something needs to be in the LL corner for tension w/ the balloon in the UR, but I don't think the moon does it. Sorry I am not being more positive...
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To each his own. This is well composed. The balloon is just fine being partially cut off on the right. The perspective of near/far with the moon providing the reality of how small WE actually are works for me. I would have really enjoyed seeing a composite photo in which you were sitting in the balloon (okay, so I am asking you to pay for a ride to get this photo, shame on me). It would have been magnificent with the multiple perspectives montaged of earth, moon and balloon in the same shot. Now go make it happen... you have a great concept here... work it through.... nice work for a first try.
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