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© kevinmcneal?2008

A Rare Perspective Of San Francisco Under The Bay Bridge

I know this is an icon but I had never seen it ever from here until I saw a similar image. I owe this image to Ed Nunez who I had visited to shoot the Big Sur Coastline with. I wanted to get to this location but he told me it is almost impossible as this is on government property and has pretty tight security due to obvious reasons of late. I told him I had to have it for myself and I would do whatever it took. So we drive there as the sun set and he asked me to jump out the car without stopping and make my way down the steepest embankment of my life all the way down to the water. He could not stop as the police were constantly patrolling the area and I only had a matter of seconds to get out of sight. Once I finally got to the spot I could not setup my tripod due to the steepness; So I dug a deep hole to get my tripod legs into. I could not even put my bag down as it rolled down the hill. I know that a lot of people will disagree with this but when you are desperate to get a rare perspective you will do anything !!! Thanks again to Ed Nunez who made this possible. Thanks for looking ! Canon 5D 17-40L f/11 25 seconds ISO 100


© kevinmcneal?2008

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A perfect, beautiful picture.

I enjoyed looking at it for a long time.



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Killer compo on this! It was worth the effort! Shows true talent when you can go to such a heavily photographed icon and still come home with something unusual. Congrats on the epic picture and on pic of the week:)



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Wow, two thumbs up; WAY up! And yes, this has been done to death, but just like the shot of Yosemite Valley from Tunnel view, the talent is finding a creative way to shoot a common subject in an uncommon way.


GOOD work!!

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You managed to make what is essentially a conventional truss bridge look splendid. The portal arches of the Golden Gate bridge are what gives it beauty night or day. I think you can be justifiably proud of this image. And I am not a San Franciscoan or bridge fancier necessarily. It does grab my attention even if it may be a super-realistic light show in your exposure. Still very very nice. I come late to comment but better late than never. I do no ratings -never figured out numerical assigned numbers to artwork I guess. I wish you well.
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