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© Copyright 2000 Michael Czepiel

Some friendly homeless people I met in a Boston alley.


exposure unrecordedNo push procesing the grain is Tri-X ( I love that gritty photo journalistic look.) I developed these myself so god only knows how controlled my environment was.


© Copyright 2000 Michael Czepiel

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I LOVE THIS PICTURE! It's so different. I liked to hang around in allies in the past, this shot just brings me right back to those days ...


Good job, a 10/10 from me!

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I thought that Mr. Czepiel captured the mood in this impressive photo, displaying the less fortunate and they're idea of a good time. Nice job.
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Sometimes a picture presents itself that is just perfect in communicating the emotion and presence of the scene. This is one such photograph. Use of black and white dramatically improves this picture plus the fact that the picture is 100% in focus which brings out the textures. All elements of this picture blend in to add emotional impact. The graffiti, the people and the alley. One in a million!

Truly a "painting with light"

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At first glance, in thumbnail form, I thought "a band pic?"

Then voila!

It emerges as a great slice of life!


Shyness 0

Photography 1!

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Guest Guest


Very nice. The B/W really gives it the right mood. I commend you on the focus in the picture. May I ask what shutter speed/aperature you used?
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small medium at large....Dave use the buttons below the pic to view it in different sizes.


Michael, wonderful photo. I'm glad someone lacks the fear to seize the moment. I think I see a relative in the corner, nope mistaken.

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Superb local and overall contrast. It reminds me of Berenice Abbot, Walker Evans, Valdir Cruz. Excellent work. Congratulations and keep "shooting".
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I hope you got awards for this. Or a career as a photojournalist. Sadly, good still photographers have become history, due to CNN and video news. Great pic. Should be published.
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Yes, definitely not the sneaky, hit and run street shot. Here we've got content, real humanity and even a more than decent composition, all in one shot. But it took the guts to get acquainted with these guys.
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wonderful! the men i meet at the urban shelter here in NC are so much more like this than those 'moving' pictures of downtrodden people who have no place to live. They probably don't like their situation much, but they are lively people with personalities, not pathetic figures with no spark. They don't need people to document their misery, but to interact with them and show them that they're good people and strong enough to change the situation if they want to. Excellent work!
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You managed to organize a bunch of drunks to get together for a group shot. Yep, that's real creative and real life. What were you doing in a Boston alley? Peddling cheap chianti?
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You managed to organize a bunch of drunks to get together for a group shot. Yep, that's real creative and real life. What were you doing in a Boston alley? Peddling cheap chianti?

-- Aldo De Filippi

Just amazing lack of grace, Aldo.

Nice work (above), by the way. Competently rendered, one might even say expertly rendered, with a captivating subject to keep the viewer interested in the long run. Kudos!

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My kind of street shot. This has the vivacity of a Brueghel, as opposed to the weepy sympathy of shots grabbed from the window of a passing car.


Just slightly marred by that one crate in the foreground.

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Very fine street shot, so unlike the POW. Aldo has very bad form--one could call him a spiteful, small-minded, fool, but that wouldn't be helpful, would it?
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precisely because it's not what we expect. Too often, the homeless are portrayed as faceless, emotionless, mental cases that are less than human. This picture tells me that these people are human beings JUST LIKE you and I. It forces me to empathize with them because they are able to be happy and celebrate despite their plight (i.e., living in an alley in the midst of fresh urine stains during winter). That's what makes this special. Of course the composition, depth of field, and amazing contrast make this a real winner and my absolute favorite street scene on photo.net.
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Glad to see you don't want to add any "kindling" to the old fire, Bob. :)


Say, isn't that Aldo over there?


Why, I believe it is at that, and he seems to be enflamed.




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