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"You first."


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I think your title fits the picture better than any other picture I've seen on here in a while. I like how all you need to see is lighted by the open door.
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This is one of those shots that if you haven't messed with it too terribly should be blown up and hung correctly. It's a definite keeper in my book.
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Thanks David and Jennifer! Thankfully it was a very minor crop and just some shadow/highlight adjustments and should make a nice 8x10. Thanks again, Pete.
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This picture tells me a lot about childhood and rich imagination, about fairy tales and the inner world, about many other things. It TELLS - and this is what a great picture is about.
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Thanks Susan, Val and Linda! Greatly appreciate you taking the time to leave your thoughts. Pete.
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This is one of my favorite type of photographs. It makes me smile just to look at it. Childhood and the door that leads to a bright future...
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I love it!!!Perfect lighting, but the title is the best part, I think...I can almost hear the sweet boys voice!!!

Congrats, Iren

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Pete...  From a portfolio full of photo art, this one jumped out at me.  As much as I like it, I keep trying to plumb the door and tree... but regardless of that, this is excellent stuff... Mike

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