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Self portrait by fireplace


Taken using a timer, with halogen spot and on-camera flash.

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The light on the wall is good, and the lines of the table are nice complements to the subjects legs and arms. (Nice work at the gym on the arms, by the way.) I'd prefer the feet an inch or two closer together so the side of the foot shows more, with the feet/toes slightly more pointed. And since we're going for perfection with all this, the left calf is missing the backlighting, because the fireplace is too wide. (Move the table slightly away from the wall and toward the camera, and that would do it.)
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Is that a table? looks like a fireplace to me.


Interesting pose, perhaps a bit more detail in the body? I guess it's meant as a profile, but a bit more detail to the edges wouldn't hurt.. also the area around head/neck is a bit darkish, not quite well defined.. Overall an interesting photo tho.

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A fireplace or a table?


Come on... the title of the shot is "Self portrait by fireplace" - I'd take that as a good hint ;-)

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What is true is that I changed the title of the image to include the word "fireplace" *after* that comment was posted. So, the hint was not there!


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i find the legs of the table distracting, if only because they are too curved. As for the lighting, i think more would probably have helped, especially on the body. However, having taken many self-portraits, i do realize how difficult it is to get a good self-portrait. especially since you basically have to guess as to what you will look like. overall good job.
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I love this especially for its original idea! I only wonder if you had considered putting up your hair into a sleek bun? Your hair falling down in disarray detracts from the smooth lines and the tables-and-chairs concept of the picture.
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My god, another woman here on Photo.net, is it possible? Seriously, thanks for commenting...I don't think I'd do a bun, though, because the hair falling foward masks my body, which I planned. It makes it a less revealing nude. But I will consider slicked back hair for other poses....



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once again, where can I purchase a print. this is a fabulous photograph. the light and dark is exquisite. everyting about it is mystery. Why this. Why that. That is what makes it so good.


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THIS IS SUPERB!! I'm new to YOUR site, but I'm a pro of 30 yers, commercial, fashion and, artist-painter, have taught @ colleges (photography) and YOU ARE on your way, BIG TIME - don't stop..KEEP PUSHING- KEEP GOING, I love the work. Art imitates Nature, and Nature is NOT SYMMETRICAL in design. Close, but NO-DICE! Cheers to you and your efforts !! You Are A GREAT PHOTOGRAPHER! Thanks for the show! -S.Stitgen
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Realy great work, I couln't come close enough to touch that with a ten foot pole! I hope you don't mind if I add a couple friendly suggestions though. I agree with Daniel Rios that the legs on the table add a bit much detail and take away from you, perhaps a nice simple towel draped over it flush to the ground? I also think that the light source on the left is a bit overpowering. If it were a bit dimmer the detail of you body might come out stronger. Great job, more power to ya.
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DO it again! Almost there. If you have the equipment - spot the neck/hair area to define & highlight a little more. Let's see a little more definition in that hair - work it! Very cool concept.
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This shot looks a little bit too contrived for my tastes. The framing of the body is a little off also. Your other shots are better.
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I can't resist anymore - this is a very dangerous photo to take, especially after eating beans. :) haha, made me laugh.


Actually, I like the idea and the composition - she's hot not doubt about it.

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I think that this is a very brave and daring composition. What I think lets it down is the fact that it is the product of self-portraiture, and as such Amy has had limited control over its execution. It may be said that the fireplace detracts from the nude, but I disagree - It is clear that the nude emulates its enviroment as an abstract form, and reproduces the line and form of the fireplace that it obscures. This is where I feel a dialogue between model and photographer would be of benefit, as for my eye I would like to see the nude more squarely lined with the fireplace, and I would preferre a slightly longer exposure to give more detail to the nude. An extremely dramatic and powerful photograph none the less. Congratulations.
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Wonderful photo Amy. This is one of my favorites. I too would like to see slightly longer exposure or a little fill lighting to draw a little more texture out in the nude. But not at the expense of the way the light creeps around the edges of the form from behind. I love that.


The diachotomy of the straight, symetrical lines and the flowing natural lines of the nude really bring a sense of intrigue to the shot.


I am flatly impressed that work like this, indeed, much of your posted self portraits, is possible with a timer.





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I really like the stacked rectangular forms - from legs to table to arms/shoulders to the mantle, etc. You do an amazing job composing all of these self-portraits.
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The same pose, but no table and squared up with the fireplace perfect, should increase the impact! Plus a fraction lighter of the body's image.
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"The same pose, but no table and squared up with the fireplace perfect, should increase the impact! Plus a fraction lighter of the body's image."

No table? Well, Herman...I think more symetry is indeed a goal - but I am puzzled as to how you think a sitting pose is going to work without anything to sit on? I have fairly strong quads, but - whew!

But yes, a more evenly arranged pose, and more light. I just need to find a model who has both the long hair, and the right body type...Perfect symetry is really hard to do in a self portrait!
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Amy, I do have a chance, sometimes, to work with contortionists (circus-people), who are modelling for me, and therefore my "horses" can run away with ideas. Of course do I understand the difficult exercise of self-portraits. Unfortunately I'm NOT allowed to display my nude shots on the Internet, by the models request (one model even promised, if I do, she'll burn my house down)! I also spelled symmetry wrong, at take ONE;- naughty, naughty!(Adelaide S.A.)
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I realize the difficulty of being your own model, but one suggestion, if the light was more symmetrical it would frame the image more effectively. Even though the pose may not have perfect symmetry, it is again a striking image.
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Beautiful lines and form, Especially the pose of the arms and legs to mimic the legs of the bench. My only suggestion: 1/2 stop more light on your figure to show contours of muscles in the shadow. That could be Self-Portrait II!! Beautiful work!!
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Are you familiar with Arno Rafael Minkkinen? I know of his work from a book of his, mostly self portraits, by the title of Frostbite. If you are not aware of his work I suggest you look for it. A couple of your self portraits had a hint of some of his work. I liked the photographs, yours and his.
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