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© Copyright 2008 WJTatulinski, All RIghts Reserved.

Carpodacus purpureus

Exposure was 1/30th second at f8. Pentax 400mm Takumar f4 on extension tube #1. Flash fill using a single #2A with blue gel. Cropped. Levels adjusted in Ektaspace using Photoshop CS3.

Copyright 2008 WJTatulinski, Yarmouth Lane Photography, All Rights Reserved

Very nice large Chromira Prints are available. Please visit my website at Yarmouth Lane Photography for information.


© Copyright 2008 WJTatulinski, All RIghts Reserved.

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Fire away!


this is very cool shot.


I've been waiting and waiting for new stuff from you ... and I LOVE these two shots. Beautiful, Walt! I hope that this isn't a recent snowfall....


Thanks Lou Ann! I wish I had more time to devote to photography, I seem to waste so much of my life in other non-productive areas...like work ;0) But, one has to pay for that film somehow, and MF development is not getting any cheaper.


I thought this fellow turned out pretty fair, even though it is dark overall. But it was late in the day and overcast, so it is a pretty accurate rendition of the scene. The flash, of course, is what brought it to life, so to say. The other photograph (of the Blue Jay) was shot a little ealier than this one using available light. This was the last shot for the day.


The snow has finally gone, though it is still cold. Now we have lot's of nice rain...blah! Regards.



What rolls through your area is coming through Western New York about a day later, give or take a few hours...


Walt, do you ever shoot digital? (Or should I not ask....)



Digital has a place in my workflow, but it is not my primary imaging tool. Eventually that will change when I can economically replace what I have with comparable equipment. High-end MF digital is still out of my reach. Regards.

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