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Looking West Hemlock, Michigan 1989


about 1/60 second f11 or 16 Sky done with a mask using a different negative, and lots of burning..Shot the same day.It looked very similar but couldn't get it to print right. But, hey it's ART right? Everything else is straight(of my folder) I did this after seeing the work of..I can't remember his name..The guy who does the composites ..REALLY far out composites, you know, rooms with sky ceilings..tree trunks moulding into people..that kinda stuff. Lotta work!

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A great picture taken with a great camera. I like the broodiness of the sky. The background looks a tad soft to me, but that's probably because you were focusing on the tracks in the foreground.
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I love trainyard pictures. There's something about tracks...


The mask is well done, the image well-composed...all I could suggest would be 1) perhaps incrase the contrast a little and 2) do some more "mood" burning around the edges to heighten the leading lines of the tracks.


Very nice work.

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Mr. Ulesman would be the one..having a 40's moment! His was pretty surrealistic, but the sky was just like that that day, in fact the sky was taken looking the same direction just minutes afterwards, just because it was so incredible..one of those days. But this matches the impression of that session. Seeing the negatives of both later made me think I'd missed it, and I'd lost my chance at realizing the experience of seeing that light, and at the time, not being technically good enough to "get it" on film. This was put together many years later, finally capturing the feeling!
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at a first glance this shot grabbed my eye as a post industrial hell, but upon closer inspection, i saw that the sky was not smoke, but the heavens opening. that deception is what draws me to this shot. and i like the flat greyness of the buildings, adds an are-they-really-there kind of vibe.


do you mind me asking what kind of filter you use to create such an effect?

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The picture is excellent, but it really calls for a strong burning that would help the rail shine out. Try a red filter and an ND grad on this, and it will really be fantastic. Still PS or wet darkroom can do the job. Try it out, and I'm sure it's a 10 in aesthetics at the end... Regards.
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...this is a superb photo. There's a real sense of emptiness with those buildings... enhanced by the DOF. So aetherial. Really nice that you got the rails to the corners and still framed the sign and building right. Very nice!
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This picture has a very creepy feel to it. i love it! the way the sky is light right where the tracks end really adds a lot to the picture
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