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The Chain


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This is a fantastic(al) abstract but the chain is here to prove that it's for real. I really like this picture Jeff...unusual colors which work surprinsingly well together. I love the blue shiny reflection at the bottom and the clouds. It's like seeing at two distances at the same time. Man, you should get great ratings with this one (deservedly so)
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Yes, a pleaser in every way. How did you get that volcano erupt just in the right time. Great colours in the BG, very sad mood but that's the way like these.
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Guest Guest


Something about this image says "freedom" to me. The chain is dangling, perhaps having held something previously but now just a bunch of hanging links. Perhaps it's the four elements behind the chain: fire, water, earth, and air.
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The chain is metaphorically connecting the clouds,the water drops,the browns and the blues, well the universe! very painterly, creative and beautiful.


( btw, just returned from 5 days in Madrid( with my daughter),met my past PN friend there,great man. a day before leaving met in Jerusalem my good PN friend from Singapore that commented you before me, here, Spencer, what a pleasure! )

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John: WoW in return. I didn't see this as an industrial image originally, but I do now. Thanks.



Cynthia: Freedom from.... I guess we could all fill in the blank.



A.K.: Blessings, friend. Hope you are feeling well.



Emmanuel: Cymbals. Thanks for the marching band.



Dennis: External versus internal. I find I have so little access right now to an external world that my best shots are really the ones taken in my backyard or not too far beyond it. I never know whether these shots are going to be a big yawn or not. Thanks.



Pascal: Coward that I am, I sidestepped the ratings game on this one. Nevertheless, thanks for liking this creation.



Tero: A little sad, perhaps. In my mind, I thought this was a wintry, wistful shot, so I'm glad the melancholy registered.



Fred: I didn't think of the joining of all those archetypal elements, but I like the thought. And freedom to boot... thanks.



Inger: I appreciate you stopping by. And bringing a butterfly with you. I like the hint of springtime cheer you bring with you.



Spencer: Thanks immensely.



Pnina: You are really a globe-trotter. I hope you had fun in Madrid, seeing your daughter. Wishing you well.

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There are cyber friends that it is my pleasure to meet in person, and I'm glad when the opportunity presents itself. I'm far away from being " a glob- trotter" if I understand the meaning.. (I travel a lot with my daughter that lives not far from me)
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The shot and the comments are both wonderful! I should comment before I do all that clogging of my mind with others opinions.....with that I will just say that I like it, just like everyone else. Really nice Jeff.
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Antoine: Thanks. It's always fun to see you show up.



Pnina: A globe-trotter is simply someone who enjoys traveling and does it frequently. You have such great pictures from your past travels. It's always fun to see the world's sights through others' eyes. Thanks.



Janis: Thanks. I like that you've avoided the horrors of comment clogging. Peace.

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it would be easy to get lost in the mystical world in that reflection, but the chain ties us down to reality. looks like your creative juices are flowing again!
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Linda: It's hard to chain a mystic down. Thanks.



Gabi: Hi! I'm so glad you liked this.

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Personaly, this is one of my favorite photos.

Everything is there : you have been able to get strong feelings by having both cold and warm tones, cold and warm elements ( water droplets or errosion patterns ( and the fact that it's difficult to guess which one it is makes it even more interesting ) / shining sun ), an abstract feel with the very complex and beautifull mix of textures, but you also give a possible narrative by incorporating strong representational elements which are the chain and the clouds.


Narrative even stronger by the fact that its simplicity has to trigger our own imagination.


And thank you very for uploading a large version : this is a meditative photo which let itself be looked at for a very very long time

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A provocative, inspiring and enthralling piece of work. The cold blue patch in the middle is surrounded by warm golden tones; the drops of water that seem to be clinging on a window against an opening sky and of course the chain are arresting elements that contribute to the appeal of this shot.


The surronding of the blue by the yellow tones is indicative of the triumph of happiness over sadness - perhaps an oversimplified interpretation on my part. Then we see an opening of the sky in the background behind the water drops, a promising visual image that conveys hope and reminds us that the sun shines after the storm. I look at the chain and I can imagine it dangling freely, suggestive of freedom. This is a powerfully symbolic image. What was attached to it? Was the attachment physical or emotional? Regardless of its nature, it is free at last.

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Laurent: I, too, saw this as telling a story, so I'm glad you used the word narrative to describe this one. Thanks for your great comment.



Adan: Freedom is a good thing. A chain can communicate two disparate things: slavery and belonging. I debated whether to remove it, but felt that it introjected a bit of reality and would lead to some conjectural story-telling, as Laurent mentioned. Thanks for such a well-worded comment.



Alberto: As always, I'm happy when you come around. Peace.



Theresa: I've been a little out of circulation over the past couple weeks and need to see what you're up to. Cheers.

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Oooo you are turning into a modern day, digital-Dali old boy!


Great shot Dr Long, absolutely great.


Best wishes,



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Quite puzzling how you did that....and that's part of the enjoyment for me...the through the glass, the mist (water droplets), the colors, the chain....made me imagine I am lying on a sofa looking up through the window at sunset or rise with fancy sky colors...the chain moved by the wind....in my thoughts....
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And I strongly believe that there are chains which keep us together here, while everyone feels that his freedom is not limited by anyone.
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Glauco: This shot has been lurking for awhile, and I thought I'd dust it off and post it. Thanks.



Kevin: Now where did I put my melting clock? Thanks. It's always nice when you come around.



Laurent: Well, this could serve as the impetus for free association. I usually charge when people lay on my couch and free associate, but since we're friends...



PhoS: Somewhere between Fleetwood Mac's "you would never break the chain" and Aretha's "chain of fools" lies the truth.

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Untethered and rising fast is the place this takes me. A powerful upward surge! Great combination of textures with the clouds and the rain streaked glass and the colours are so you.
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