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Celebrate life!


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Celebration of life has my devoted attention, as I know that Humans are the ART to Admire and your image is fantastic. I will love to see it in color. The composition and expression is fabulous. Congratulations to you and your model. Warm regards from miami.
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You remember the Reece's Peanut Butter Cup slogan: two great tastes that taste great together? You've successfully combined pregnancy and glamour in a way that I'd think very rarely if ever possible. For whatever reason this picture stood out to me from a thumbnail on photo.net's homepage. Sometimes unusual aesthetic combinations 'work', or are made to work, for reasons that are somewhat obscure but likely the result of the intersection of genius, inspiration, and serendipity. Very good job.


If I wanted to pick nits, I might point out that the subject may be too close to the background--there a visible shadow at her right--and some sort of mild/muted lighting to separate her hair from the background might be nice.


The achievement of this image does make one wonder about the circumstances, e.g., are you the father, or is this a model you know well? Because for whatever reason the shot seems to suggest a real rapport with the subject.


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Exelent Art, nice concept and nice work. Only thing is the face is looking a bit dul. The face could be more sharp with less contrast.
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