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Those Eyes!


One of the first shots with the 50mm f/1.4, hand held (braced on my knee) at 0.5s. ISO 200.

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Just got a Nikkor 50mm f1.4 and had to try it out on one of my

favorite subjects, who tend to be tough to show as I'd like. This was

taken hand-held with a mix of late afternoon light through the window

and a bit of tungsten. The lamp is actually reflected in his right

eye. I'm liking this lens a lot, and I think this is one of the better

shots of this guy. Let me know what you think, good or bad. Thanks for


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I like it. It's a bit blurry around the nose though, but that is nothing strange because pets just can't keep still when we take pictures of them:). The composition and the cropping are great IMHO. Thanks for posting!
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Very attractive photo. I like the way you shoot this photo. I wish just little more light on his left eye. But till than a very good shoot. Congrats.
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Milica He actually did pretty well sitting still for this fairly long exposure, but I would have liked both his nose and eyes to be a bit sharper. Thanks for looking and being so positive in your comment.

Parthasarathi I see what you mean about the light on the left eye... it would have had more depth and texture to the shot with more light difference from left to right. Thank you for stopping by and commenting.

Bob It definitely would be better if the eyes were crisper. I'll have to spend some more time and more frames to get the one with better focus. Of course, it all depends on if and when Spike is in the mood to sit for pictures! Thank you for commenting on the crop. I tried it a lot of different ways, so I'm glad you like this one, too.

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I think that your idea was to show the eyes glowig in/from the dark, I like the result, with the hints of the rest of face like nose and wiskers.... I like as well the dark green frame that enhances the yellow eyes,Good as is, nice cat photo ;-))
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You're right, Pnina, showing off his golden eyes was my objective. Glad you like the picture. Thanks for stopping by!
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This is not my preferred type of cat ; but the portrait is excellent, the post treatment is impeccable, the frame is wisely chosen & the whole image is very pleasant. Ciao, Alx
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You stinker! This looks familiar!


Wonderful job and your composition is flawless! The only thing I dislike is that you did it better than me! LOL!

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Thank you for the very positive comments. I especially appreciate that you commented on the PP and the framing, as I did put some thought into both. Thanks very much!
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Oooops! Y'know I really wasn't trying to better your shot. I actually had forgotten seeing it until your comment and popping over to your portfolio to see what you were talking about. If you hadn't put Ashie's name on it, I'd have asked just when you snuck in and took a picture of my cat! Spike and Ashie are obviously cousins, but the two pics are very different treatments. Yours has much more sense of mystery. But all seriousness aside, you really are going to have to try harder! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!
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You and Rachel appear to have more in common that the look of your cats :)


I'll have to drop by and take a look a Rachel's cat eyes but it will have to wait since I am off on vacation again this morning.


I like this photo David. The narrow DOF throwing the nose and whisker OOF give the portrait a soft pastel feel. This works best with the fine lines of those whiskers. The exposure seems perfect for the eyes and the cat's head fading to black above the eyes adds some drama. I also like that you have the head tilted and the eyes off level.The only thing I could wish for here is a bit sharper focus on the eyes themselves. I am unsure of whether the soft focus on the eyes is intentional or a result of slow shutter,narrow DOF moving cat issues.



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Ade, Nice to make your acquaintance and thanks for stopping by. I looked briefly at your portfolio and enjoyed very much what I saw. I'll be back, and hope to see you again!
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Thanks, Emmanuel! It means a lot to me that you like this. And thanks for mentioning Stephen King... maybe he'd like to use this for a book cover and make me famous?! Hahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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