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This is a new B/W conversion of an older image I have, taken with my old P&S. I corrected the horizon and used a converted with a different mixture of colors and I think the results are much nicer. The first conversion is in my portfolio.

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castlepoint, nice. looks a little bit overexposed in the whites and sky. would look alot better with some burning of the sky. just my opinion.
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Quite good, I'd say. Perhaps little bit different viewpoint might be better, tower and cliff are now both in their edges of frame and composition lets my eye wander too much. More contrast to sky (and tower) could also add sense of drama. That would require local contrast enhancement. Not the kind of photo I would hang on my wall, but as I said, quite good. No ratings, as I do not them anymore. a s l a
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Thank you both for your suggestions... it's always nice to get constructive critiques instead of "Nice photo!".


Localized contrast is a little difficult in the sky as I quickly start running into noise. Unfortunately the P&S camera that I shot this with didn't leave me with as clean of an image as I'd like. I tried a little burning and it does help some with mood, but there's not much detail left to pull out in the clouds.


Perhaps I need to work on my B/W conversion a bit, I think the noise might be mostly contained in one of the channels.


Asla, for your composition critique, is your suggestion to shoot further to the left so as to pull both subjects more to the center of the frame? I could see how that would allow the eye to travel between the subjects a bit more, unfortunately I think it's physically impossible as further left= downhill. I guess I could widen the shot a bit, but it may feel a bit loose then.

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Could you try different kind of conversion then? I guess you used PS and channel mixer, but there are alternative, sometimes better options. Gradient map, for example. CHmixer is good, but not allways the best tool for converting.
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