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1/30sec, F3.5, ISO 200 48mm(=35mm)


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The play of the intersecting curves is very interesting but, I'm not sure of the position of the oval in the ceiling. Were there any other places along the lower section of stairs where you could see it all?
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Actually, I love the asymmetry of this shot. Good composition and DOF. Bravo! I can't tell what that silver thing is coming out of the upper railing.....I might consider getting rid of that, as I think it would improve the shot.
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Thank you for the suggesting removing the silver thing. They are lights, and they were removed in the version I printed, guess I should update photo.net, too

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Absolutely great picture. The only thing I just maybe, MAYBE, would change is the rather strong light on the lower part of the picture. I think it's a little too much light, almost as if a flash strobe bounced on something. Maybe if the lights where a little more even alonside the entire frame....


Anyway, lets emphasize what's really important: GREAT PICTURE.





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Marvelous! Great eyes on both sides of the camera! :) I like this photo very much!

I agree, you should darken the lower part, and add more light to the eye itself. The oval is just on the right spot.

Now, another great thing about this photo is that it gives you a lot of oportunity to play. Rotate it 180 deg and replace the oval so that it touches the lower part of the eye (in the rotated photo) which will give pretty much mean look to the eye. After that, add another mirrored copy of the same image to the right hand side and you'll get both eyes! Be careful about the position of the oval so you don't get cross eyed look! :)

Now, add another mirrored copy of the whole composition.........

Anyway, the photo is just great as it is. I just like to play.

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