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Natural light through blind, 90/2.8 MF lens and tilt adapter. PP just crop, BW conversion, levels, tint and sharpen.

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Again taken using tilt lens to accentuate hand and front of face.

Any comments would be appreciated. Only PP has been to BW

conversion, levels, sepia tint and sharpen. shame about hair in

front of eye I suppose...

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Yes, very nice concept, Pete. I agree with Catherine, a little more of her eye would be nice. I say definately worth a reshoot, slightly moving her head and keeping the hair out of her face.
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Very nice and soft portrait, your technic left her face and hand well seen and are accentuating her delicate features.The placement on the frame is also right, leading the eye From L to R ,to her face, I think as well that the group of hair hide her eye which could add a lot to her portrait, I still like it because of the delicate execution of her pose.
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I like this a lot, Pete, and the hair over her eye intrigues me. To me it makes her mood much more mysterious. As Pnina said, the flow from left to right is very nice, and I like the toning you've done in the conversion very much... very soft and very apropos.
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I'm serious!


This face will turn at you with hateful eyes one moment and loving eyes the next and THEN tell you she's ready to DRIVE!






enjoy this while you can!


I'm going crazy! :(






love the color on the lips! makes the picture! :)

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Thank you everyone for sharing your thoughts with me about this picture, and I'm pleased it has worked well. So sorry for taking such a long time to acknowledge you though.


The hair over the eye was initially a bit of an issue fr me, but I've grown to like it especially as she always has her hair in her face and it's just so typical "her"! It's funny how she'll make a BIG fuss about an irritating tag in a T-shirt, or the irritating bits in the end of her socks and so on, but she'll happily go around all day with hair in face, and even hair in face while eating. MAD!


Micki, it's scaring me thinking about what my kids are going to be like as they're growing up. Lovely one minute, then spitting flames the next! Oldest is now 14....and she can be vicious!! All fun though I suppose.

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HA ~ They both just got on the bus to go to HS


It just started this week and my son is now a freshman.


I honestly don't know if I AM going to survive.


I am right now in the process of taking down her TV.


She came into the TV room last night at 9:40 saying OH MOM you have to sign all this and look here at the computer and BLAH. It was 11pm till we were done. Of course her brother was done at 6pm and I asked her four times if she had her stuff and she told me to get "out" of her business.




so when she gets home


NO Play Station (she doesn't have Cable)






I'm such a mean mom!


oh, I'm venting again! This is just a great venting picture! HA HA HA


BUT HEY I got to do a self portrait yesterday ~ NO KIDS! LOL



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