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Natural light through blind, 2.8/150 MF lens and tilt adapter. PP just crop, BW conversion, levels, tint and sharpen.

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Any comments much appreciated. This was taken using Keleinar 3b

2.8/150 MF lens. I had wanted shaft of light straight across eyeball

but the pesky sprog wouldn't keep still!

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Very cool. The face takes on a masklike quality. At the same time, there's a very human expressiveness coming through . . . I see awe, wonder, thought, a very live moment. Perhaps there's a statement here -- for me -- about our inner and outer worlds, the emotions within and the facade that both hides and reveals those emotions. Good work.
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Fred, many thanks for sharing your thoughts on this photograph. You're right about the sense of awe, wonder and thought, and it being a very live moment. I took this while he was playing a game on the Nintendo Wii, and he was getting really carried away (Sonic The Hedgehog!). So there was lots going on in his inner world!


If you get a moment, there are a couple of things I'd appreciate your thoughts on with this photograph. There are a few small highlights where the light just caught his hair at the top, right of middle, of the photograph. I like these as they follow the arc of his short fringe from left of picture to right and help lead into the darker detail on the right hand side of the photograph. But I was wondering if they look like they shouldn't be there. What d'you think? Also, my monitor is calibrated by eye using graphs/scales so I'd really appreciate knowing how the dark detail appears on the right. To me, it looks spot on on the monitor and also prints how I want it. I won't say how I see it in case it makes you see something that isn't there! A few moments of your time would be really helpful.


thanks again.



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Many would find the highlighted strands of hair distracting. I don't. For me, it adds life, charm, and a bit of reality. But I would definitely have thought about it quite a bit. Ultimately, I don't think there's a better or worse on this. Go with your gut.


As for the darker side of the picture, I can make out detail throughout, although his left eye is completely gone. I can make out the outline of his head, where his hair meets his ear, his shirt and neck, all quite evident to me, yet subtle. My preference would probably be to get more a hint of his left eye, sort of more how his left ear is handled. I think you could retain the mystery but actually add to the depth of the photo with a bit more just in that one area of the eye socket.


I do agree with you that a little more energized catchlight in his right eye would have been the icing on the cake, although the eye as it is maintains a subdued emotional feel that you've worked with well and is certainly in harmony with the rest of his expression.


Actually, on further looking at the highlighted hair, it might be worth taking a look at getting rid of the one strand toward the center but leaving the others that are more in the darkness. They are providing a nice and subtle touch of light in the darkness while the lone strand toward the center might be acting a bit more distractingly.

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I wondered why you have put him behind the bars, but I thought that all of us somehow are living in and out of bars.... and despite the bars, you have succeeded in showing his delicate, pensive, beautiful face, and even a glimps in his eye. There is something very serious in his look, in his partly open mouth, even some sadness. The light and shadow difference are adding to this quite dramatic composition, a very touching image.
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Fred, many thanks for coming back with what I had asked for (and sorry it's taken a few days to acknowledge that). I've run off a couple of prints of this photograph now - the highlight in the hair seems slightly less obvious in print and it seems to work quite well. My gut has convinced me not to alter it. I'm wondering how to go about getting some more detail shown of the eye socket on the right hand side of picture. I can see how this could benefit the picture, but haven't worked out how to go about it. I guess I need to do some work on selective manipulation as I really don't want to lighten up the right hand side of the photograph any more. Will keep working on it and see what happens.


Something I did notice just now is that my crop isn't perfectly central - the ear on left hand side is slightly further from edge of frame than ear on right hand side, but I can't shift the cropping to the right any further, and really don't want to lose any of the top and bottom, and I want to keep the square crop. Not sure what to do about that at the moment!


Pnina, many thanks for sharing your feelings on this photograph as well. I hope you don't think the kids are always so serious or miserable looking ;) and he's not really behind bars (well, at least not when he's behaving :) )


Thanks again both of you.

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I don't think centering is anything to worry about here.


Yes, selective lightening of the eye would be the thing, if it hasn't already gone too far and lost what you'd need to bring it back slightly.


Good luck!

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Well, I've been quite remiss in checking what you're doing, obviously, and I apologize for that... my loss. This image is exquisite, very emotional, and I see your "sprog" as most thoughtful, pensive and a tad sad. In that vein, I find the dark line across his eye seems more fitting, but I guess that depends on what you wanted to say. Either way, this is a fine, well made image.
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the way he looks to the side and the slight freckles! :)


love it!


you did a great job on this one. WOW!


shadows, light, lines, darkness, everything. Then you have that shine on his lips. I could go on and on. Oh I wish I had time... I miss my time.

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David and Micki. Thank you both for your comments. David, I too like this as is now, with the dark line across the eye, and am glad this is the way it worked out. Micki....oh the time! This is something I have been seriously lacking over the past few weeks - no time to get on the PC due to working long hours (trees.....gardens....fences...walls...and more daylight means more hours outside working and more feeling of being knackered when I finish!).


I hope all is well with both of you. I will find time this evening to look at recent work from you both along with my other PN buddies. Much catching up to do!

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