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Canon 28-70mm f2.8 L lens used with a B&W 81b warming filter.


© 2002 www.ag3photography.com

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Such pretty eyes. With the focus of the photo being on the eyes, I wish the hair didn't obscure any of her eye.
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Mystery, beauty, and a bit of playfulness - very nice :).

I'm thinking you could drop the lower quarter of the picture to bring the face forward, but no more. There is something about the contrast with the fabric...

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This image is bound for the top-rated pages. I feel it is a bit too heavily weighted at the bottom, particularly because the head is cropped, which is something I do with regularity. Cropping slightly may improve the compositional balance. Color balance and exposure are wonderful. Eyes appear to be tack. Great model, great photo. J.
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Splendid softness on the skin and really wonderful eyes...

3 minor critiques, though...

1) Had the light been placed slightly on the left (and not the right) of the camera, we wouldn't have the shadow of the hair on the eye.

2) The folds: not smooth enough to me... and there's one line in it that should have been ironed out.

3) More debattable, but I feel the top of the cloth, where it covers the face, shouldn't have been such a strong straight line...

Well, it's still very good work, and such stuff is incredibly difficult to get really perfect anyway... Best regards.

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we certainly can find little folds of imperfectness in every image...but regardless, to me to me this is stunning work...!!
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Okay, i *really* wanted to rank this a bit higher. the texture, lighting and, especially, the colors...and the obviously great work with the model are all excellent. really excellent. my tiny, tiny gripe is with the crop -- i think this image would be stronger had you not cropped at the top of her head. makes it seem unbalanced and adds some tension to what is otherwise so soft an image. but perhaps that is the intention and really works for others? anyway, highly accomplished and a fine, fine effort!
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This is a luscious image. The color of her hair and eyes works great with the greens. I like this the way it is, but would be curious to see a tighter shot and one with the top of her head.
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This image reminds me quite a bit of that famous National Geographic cover... you know the one! The blonde hair gives it away though, and at the same time, reminds me that the western world and way of life is in it's own way hidden from so many!
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This is absolutely gorgeous. You've picked a model with beautiful eyes and hair color. The pose is wonderful, as is the use of the light
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good try ... but i've not the same opinion than other photographer.


i don't find the subject in that picture i thanks the clothes are better shooted than model. but i don't think the subject are there .. why don't finish the border on the top of her head with the clothes ?? beautiful picture but that disturb me.


Sorry my english is to poor for explain it

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Wonderful choice of colors and lighting that is simply perfect really creates a rich, yet subued look. Some technical suggetions, though. This model has simply stunning eyes, and the image should exploit that feature. Really, if you think about it, the eyes are the real subject here. The large expanse of green and the cropped hair fight they eyes for attention. The face needs to be larger and the eyes more dominant in the frame. I would have even tried framing horizontally to accent the eyes. That snippet of hair also needs to come back because it is shading one eye and as great as her hair is, the eyes are the subject here.


Another critic's comment about the sharp folds in the cloth is well-taken. Draping the cloth properly really helps and is one of those "attention to detail" items that separate experienced photographers from those still learning. Excellent effort, though, and keep in touch with that model--- She's got "it" and you appear to work well together.

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Luscious! Stunning! The so-called imperfections you allow to remain in your creation give the image personality and originality. It say's volumes about you. I wouldn't change anything!


Geez - Her eyes are so enchanting! The cropping stirs up mystery. Perfection is a process not a destination. If this were 'perfect' I am afraid it would seem very dead and sterile. The folds, the richness of the colors adds a sensuous touch.


I think its as good as it's ever gonna get in this world : )

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