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Las Melli


CD Cover Las Melli
Las Melli Website

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For me the fact that the two subjects are looking in different directions creates some tension. Is there disharmony? Are they marching to different tunes? And is that a school desk in front of them? What is its significance?



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light and composition is nice, that object in front down the bottom is a bit distracting as is the hair almost in the girls mouth.
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@Ken: I think you can hear especially in the music that there is no disharmony. ;) The school desk has no meaning, at least for me not. In the final cover-version it has been croped.

@Steve: Especially the hair was one of the reasons why I choose this photo. I love it. :)

Thank you!

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it's a very good double portrait which is further enhanced by two things, that slightly out of focus and fantastic background (those strong lines really add something here)and secondly your editing. Great
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Guest Guest


There is a fashion photo thumbrule that says that you should always minimize cyan in skin tones. Here it would probably add contrast to the bg. not saying it owuld be better, just giving something to think about.
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Firstly, this photo needs cropping on the top and at the bottom. Especially the bottom part where you have a distracting block in front of the two girls.


Second, editing leave some halo along the edges of the girls especially at the back of the head of the girl on the right. Lighting is not smooth on the face of the building... unless that's your intention.


Lighting on the girls is ok.


My eyes were drawn to the red cross on the face of the building and this somehow contend with the main subjects (which is the girl)... Maybe, desaturate the cross a bit will do the trick.


Overall, nice compo. Very creative.



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