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Nice composition, lighting quite good.

2 faults in my view:

1. The eyes spoil it, they are taking the viewer right away out of the frame, trying to see what she is looking at. They need to be straight towards camera for this kind of shot.

2. The contact between the arm and the chin has squashed the face.

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I agree that the eyes are very distracting. In addition, I think that there are too many light sources here. One light source with a reflector might have been better in order to give a more dramatic effect. neck could have been stretched out a little to avoid those neck lines. and maybe even a red filter to give a bit of contrast.


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I really like the use of grain. It feels "old", like I'm looking at a picture of a flapper.
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I like the grain too! Between her pose and the grain this almost looks like a WWII era photograph. I find the shadow a bit on the strong side to the point of being distracting on her neck. Even with the shadow I think it is a nice shot. If you can shoot it again go for it! You are close to producing a real winner! Cheers, Neil
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I was instantly drawn to this BECAUSE the eyes were averted. To me it makes a refreshing change, and is more thought provoking than any 'straight' portrait. Also the strong arch in the eyebrows, as well as the crop providing an interesting composition with the arm, all combined for what I consider a successful shot. Very retro feel, very much my taste.
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I dunno why but I have a weakness for anything that chalenges norms and canons. Therefore, this one is the best in your "Portraits" portofolio, at least according to Garp ... uhh that would be me.
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I also like this one, not your norm, I like that! My only complaint is right below her right eye (viewing would be on left) in the corner of her eye, what is the white haze? I'd clean that up. But great pose, love the bend of her arm as a framing feature. Very creative!
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I don't know if it is the model, the lighting or the pose, but this has a very classic feel to it. I, personally, like the eyes. Chris
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