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"The Haunted Tree"


This image reveals my love for nature and my quest for nature's "darker beauty". Years ago I dreamt a vision similar to this one, and I had hoped to someday see it happen in my viewfinder. One day, while on a vacation that turned rainy, I just drove around with my gear. This tree was one of several in a row at an orchard's edge. After gaining permission from the orchard's owner, I patiently tried many camera angles that would compose the tree as i wanted. I deliberately ignored the technique often taught "to compose off-center", as I wanted this tree to evoke a very deliberate power in my image. That said, I also had to avoid capturing the neighboring trees at frame's edge. it started to drizzle, and I thought I had better 'bag' my camera to protect the lens. When the birds flocked into the orchard to rest and noisily socialize, they flocked from tree to tree until, as my hopes would have it, they landed in the tree I was focused upon. Careful not to allow rain into my lens, I unbagged and shot several frames, but the birds took flight as I did so, and you now see the result. Pure serendipity aided by envisioning the "dream" years prior. And yes, my lens did get wet. It is part of a series about Trees. This kind of "emotional seeing" is what I teach my workshop participants. I have sold this print as an 20x24" IRIS on Somerset Velvet, and as an archival Epson print onto Arches Ivory 300lb paper. Yes, it is available inquire, and specify size (of mat) desired. See more at http://www.davidjulian.com


© Contact me for ANY usage: www.davidjulian.com

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This photograph is far more than a casual snapshot, this I can see simply by looking at it. Even without the birds the photograph would be strong, the traditional background lies in contrast to the eerie tree in the foreground. With the birds however, (they look somewhat like crows which is "COOL") This effect is increased, and the photograph jumps into the ranks of "magical", "dreamlike", "artistic", and a "damn good". Five thumbs up all around, keep at it. One final note, and perhaps the reason it is such a strong photograph, you may have noticed this, but the birds seem to be bursting from the tree, fleeing the tree like it's leaves in autumn.
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As John Karsten commented on another of your images, "Unreal, OK...you've got a fan." This is one of THE efforts that urges me out of doors at 5 o'clock in the morning and to ignore my aching fingers while standing on the edge of black ice in the middle of a river, focusing and waiting for the sun to sneak behind a cloud (or in this case, the mangy crow to fly out of view). My favorite thing about photography is the walk, or maybe the drive in the case of the tornado shot posted back in December; by the feeling of your images I think you understand that.
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Congratulations on your photo of the week. This shot looks like a composite. Is it? Good job no matter what.
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Wonderful work. Having gotten stuck on your folder when first posted, I am pleased to see your work chosen for POW. Congratulations!


Your exposure, composition and vision are magical. Now, to pick up my gear and attempt to emulate your work.


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Way back when your folder was first posted, I recall remarking that it'd be a crying shame if at least one of the shots wasn't chosen for Picture Of the Week. Glad to see it happen.


It seems as if the crows (easy to assume crows in a black and white picture) are exploding out from the center of the picture (the tree). In my head I can see a rhythmic pulsing as they retreat, then return, all in unison. You know it's a good picture when your audience is playing out the hypothetical video of the event in their imagination.

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I was sitting there looking at it for quite some time, trying to figure out if the birds are being attracted by the tree or expelled by it, besieging it or in fear of getting closer. A remarkable shot and an appropriate caption indeed - things like that we normally only see in dreams.
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One of the most captivating photos I've seen in a long time. This is really a beautiful piece of photography. It's almost Hitchcockesque in it's composition and in the mood it portrays.

This is the quality of composition that inspires new photographers as well as motivates older photographers.


Congratulations on being honored with POW!

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I love this photo, but would like to see the frame be a nice crisp edge. I don't like the Photoshoppy blurry edge. Excellent!!
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Very, very nice. I had originally remarked that I didn't like how the tree was almost exactly centered. After looking again, I take it back. And, have learned a little about composition (thanks). Also, Cannon Beach Crows is very, very beautiful.
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IMO, perfectly composed -- I happen to like the centeredness here. The formal composition works well (for me) with the circular subject and with the "vignetted" way this is printed. Really an outstanding, evocative photo. Somehow, it reminds me of an illustration from a children's book or an animation cell from a movie.
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Seeing many prints that come into our press I find this print to be very dramatic yet gentle in composition.

Very nice.


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I love this photograph, the contrast is perfect. I like the way the hills somehow center the tree in the middle of the picture. The tree looks like a goblet and the birds are gathering to drink from it. Truly catches the moment,and sends the viewer free to imagine.

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Look at the poetry you've inspired in the photo.net crowd! I agree; great print. The vignette _might_ be a little close, but then my contacts are fuzzy today, so I could be mistaken. I do wish, though, that the copyright badge wasn't so visible; it interferes with the photo as art. Philip's logic on same is worth reading (search for 'copyright'), even though it may not work for all. Thanks for sharing.
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A damn good picture, no question about this - if only you cold have dropped that disturbing copyright note in a very important area of the picture (I'd prefer the note over the dark grass in the lower right corner, if you can't avoid having one). And if only you could have left the edges unblurred...

But never mind my objections, they're bred on pure envy. Great job. Isn't this what photography - at least the artistic fraction of it - is really about? Umberto Eco once defined an artistic object as something that makes you feel there's more to it then just what it seems to represent? Stretched widely, this definition might fit to anything, but if there's a person behind it, whose intent to make you feel this way is noticeable - it's the definition of art I've adopted myself. At least one of them. I don't intend to praise the picture for more than it is - you probably won't get immortal by having taken it, and that's just right - but you have the honour of being able to say something about yourself that most of men couldn't without telling a lie - that at least once in your life you've created something artistical. And that's where my envy is hooked in. I hope I'll get to achieve this before I have to take my leave...

And to all of you fellow photographers out there: do more of this kind of stuff. I don't suggest you to run around taking pictures of birds flying in circles near trees (and that's what I think those birds are really doing) - just let us care less about the technical aspects and use our skills as mere tools, creating... Yeah, art.

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I like this, it draws you in. You can just hear the birds (crows ?). It has a nice composition, and exudes emotion like a calm desolate cool place perhaps with a slight breeze. I looked at the other photos in the folder, very nice although on some the darkening around the edges is too much for my taste. Very good photography though. I wish I could do the same.
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A nice shot indeed, I like the symmetry created by the birds around the tree, and the overall creepy outlook. Only two tiny little things I don't like which could be changed to reach aestethic perfection: the blurred edges and the tree at the almost exact center of the picture.
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Looks a lot better without the text in the image. Damn. It's going to be hard to ever top this one for POW. Given the theme of the picture, I believe the tree should be right where it is, especially with it's shape.
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