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© (c) Laura Kenney



Handheld, because I don't have a tripod; please excuse camera shake. f2, I think. The film used was either T-Max 400 or Tri-x Pan 400. Crappy scan was done at a drugstore.


© (c) Laura Kenney

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This is cropped from a photo in my ill-conceived bathtub series.

[Note to self: dim lighting + handheld exposures = crappy photos.]

I'm interested in what people think about the pose here, what mood

it conveys. Does she look kind of seductive, or just uncomfortable

from being stuck in the tub for an hour? That kind of thing. Any

suggestions for other bathtub photo shoots? Thanks!

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I dont get a suductive feeling from it, though there is something about the lighitng that seems to make it stand out from the average photo, not sure what it is though. There is a shadow on the verry bottom right (underarm maybe) that is really distracting to me. I personaly dont think the necklace is that distracing though.
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I second the cropping suggestion. However, kudos on the non-flat lighting. It's nice to see a stop or two of difference between the key and the fill.
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Thanks for the comments so far. Yup, that's an underarm making the shadow, and the even more cropped version suggested by S. Liu does eliminate that nicely. The thing that bothers me about that is her one visible eye right in the center of the frame - does that seem weird to anyone else?


David, you commented on the non-flat lighting. I have to say that this was shot in my bathroom, with no thought about lighting for this shot (although I did a bit of experimenting with candles for others). Mostly I was thinking, there's not enough light, because I had to shoot sans tripod no faster than 1/30. What is the key light?

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It seems I'm the one who disagrees with the cropping: while there are elements here that need modification (like the necklace and shadows near the bottom of the image), I wouldn't crop it as tight as Liu has suggested. Lose the necklace, then crop it in the middle between the chin and the bottom of the image. I like the hair too much to have it disappear completely.


Once again, what I like most is her look. It seems I'm a sucker for facial expressions.

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I don't go for S.Liu's crop either... tho I see why he/she did it...


I guess/hope this is already cropped and I would bring in just slightly more on the bottom, or a bit of the arm on the right.

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I like it. And I cannot think of anything to change other than the dark spot on the bottom middle right. But baring that I think it is wonderful.
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I'm affraid this photo doesn't do much for me. I think its that the 3/4 portrait has given her quite a round face, and then using the square format makes her face fill too much of the frame. In this case I think a little bit of context in the image would help. Maybe have her resting her head on the edge of the bath...?
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I wonder what this would have looked like cropped looser? The shadow might have been less distracting if we saw more of what created it. I like her stare and do not find the other eye being in shadow distracting. I think if the hair had covered it that might have bothered me more.
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Is this picture out of focus? Or are my eyes just going bad? It either looks out of focus or feels out of focus because there's lots of soft edges going everyplace. I kind of like the composition!



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There is something weird about this picture,...


When i first look at it i liked it very much but when i think rationally i think i should point out:

- the neclace and the shadow are distracting to me

- the composition has no balance

- the hair is just pure black with no definition

- the lighting is quiet good

- the shadow below the girl`s eye is not flattering since it shows her eyetooth (i think that`s the right english word)

- the look on her face is not seductive


All above said - i like this picture very much - in spite of rationallity.


Good work!


Oh btw i think lucy`s crop is much worse, since it amplifies the inbalance of the composition.

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Thank you to everyone who has commented so far. You've pointed out things that I didn't notice, and now I have more things to think about for next time.


Yes, the image is somewhat out-of-focus - the result of my lowlight bathtub set-up necessitating relatively long handheld exposures (about 1/15). Unfortunately, I don't have a working tripod, and the one I borrowed from my friend/model was broken, too. I seem to have bad luck with cameras & equipment. About her hair - it was wet from laying down in the tub, so her curls kind of clumped together.


Thanks again for the comments.

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[Note to self: dim lighting + handheld exposures = crappy photos.]....


I wanted to commment on this, 1) it looks as if you had enough light here her face is, if anything, a little overlit... 2) Nan Goldin. Low light/handheld can create a mood of its own if you are aware of what you can/can't, should/shouldn't do... etc. Or if you don't give a damn.

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You've had some good feedback, but I should like to simply say that I find this a very nice portrait. I like the face staring back at me. I am shooting nudes for the first time too, & it isn't easy, but I think you are well on your way... Best regards, Sarah Marie Jones
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